Chapter 4: Shock and Surprise

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Chapter 4: Shock and Surprise

            It was a whole week since passing Hone; Frain had flown ahead but he wouldn’t go too far away from me. We ended up farther north than intended and only found this out when we reached the Levap River. It took another two days of following it and then eventually seeing Itra in the distance. Frain roared with what I expected to be joy and Aspen willingly sped up to try and catch up as he soared ahead.

            ‘Frain!’ I shouted to him and pulled on Aspen’s reins to slow him back down. ‘Stop! Land now, please.’

            He landed looking very annoyed. ‘Yes, my Tamer?’ he said but he knew I never liked him calling me that.

            ‘You can’t just go roaring and then soaring in like you were about to. Itra are used to dragons still but I doubt they would like it very much if you go storming in.’

            Shaking his head, he flapped his wings once yet stayed on the ground. ‘Fine. So you just want me to stay on the outside?’ he asked.

            ‘Yes.’ He turned from annoyed to irritated. ‘Sorry but I don’t want you getting hurt or accidentally hurting anyone else.’

            Grumbling, he laid down where he stood. ‘I will stay here then and I may even go fishing,’ he told me with a hiss of his tongue.

            And so, I left him there as I continued on towards the town. The familiar smell of fish hit my nostrils and I suddenly realised how hungry I was. But I couldn’t stop and pick up a freshly cooked fillet as I had to try and remember exactly where Ky’s house was. It did take longer than I wanted though when I turned the right corner and saw his house, my heart fluttered a little. I slid out of the saddle and tied Aspen up outside the house near the water trough. All I had to do now was relax myself before knocking on the door.

            I did eventually get myself to the wooden door but it took a lot of courage on my half to knock. Only having to wait a few seconds, the door was opened by Cynthia (Ky’s mother). I smiled widely and she was all too happy to see me again. She pulled me into a motherly hug and then looked over me as she pushed me inside.

            ‘Hello, Carly, it is so nice to see you again. I have been wondering how long it would for you to come and visit us again. Is Doran not with you?’ she asked.

            I shook my head. ‘No, just me. I haven’t been out of Dracona for the past three years and I thought I would come and see if you were alright,’ I explained quickly.

            She giggled, smiled and then turned the subject away from ourselves. ‘And I can only guess that you really came to see Ky?’ I let my guard down and pressed my lips together and blushed uncontrollably. ‘Hehe, don’t worry, dear. He isn’t in but you can have your room back for as long as you are staying here.’

            My fingers twiddled around in my pockets. ‘Could you tell me where I might find him?’ I asked quietly trying not to sound unappreciative for her just offering me a place to stay.

            As I put my bag down, she went into the kitchen and answered me from there. ‘You might find him wandering in or around the town but most of the time he likes to ride around by the river.’

            In a rather awkward way, I said thank you and slipped back outside trying not to make too much sound. Hopping onto Aspen’s back again, I cantered back out of the town and tried to see if Frain was anywhere nearby. Though he shouldn’t have been, he was circling only a few acres away.

Chronicles of Carnezia (Book 2): WildernessWhere stories live. Discover now