Chapter 19: Talk Over Strawberries

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Chapter 19: Talk Over Strawberries

            Putting the box back out of sight for the moment, there was something else I wanted to see. Turning around, I walked through one of the back doors and entered the small room that the mirror should be in. As anyone probably would, I expected it to either be damaged or had disappeared but no. It stood there without even a new scratch or a hint of soot. It looked totally untouched. It was very pleasing to see it again, as though it represented a small piece of the Harrisons still being here. Also, it meant that I could still pop home if ever I wanted to.

            ‘Oh,’ I said to myself, realising that I would have to leave the mirror here. I couldn’t move it but at the same time I couldn’t leave it here; I couldn’t risk someone stealing it or finding out what it was for. ‘Maybe I could get Frain to carry it...’ I mumbled to myself though I wasn’t alone.

            ‘Get him to carry what?’ came a familiar voice but unwelcome nonetheless.

   I spun my head round and glared at him. ‘What are you doing here?’ Then I turned around fully and pushed him out of the small room.

            ‘I followed you and I saw you came here so I wanted to make sure you weren’t crying.’ As caring as his intention was, I didn’t like the idea of being followed without even knowing it.

            ‘Get out!’ I shouted even though it was under my breath.

            ‘Calm down. Look, I’m sorry,’ he retaliated, hands held up in defence.

            ‘Really? Calm down?! I lost two close friends and I never even knew! Don’t tell me to calm down,’ I shouted more. My hand was up in a fist with my index finger pointing at him; I pulled it down hard to my side and headed outside. I would have to come back for the box later. Unfortunately, that didn’t appear to be hint enough to him to leave me alone. Now I was aware that he was around, I listened very closely to the air around me and, stepping ever so lightly, I could hear he was following me (again).

            Turning around suddenly, he looked slightly shocked but that was not what I wanted from him. I glared harder and even bared my teeth in a silent snarl. ‘Leave me alone,’ I told him. ‘I mean it. I don’t need looking after so just leave.’ As I yelled, tears streamed down my cheeks and I just wanted to run down a dark alley and cry alone.

            ‘I think the best thing you need is someone looking after you. And I think you need a shoulder to cry on,’ he commented seeing what state I was in. ‘Erm, I think we should get back inside, it feels like rain.’

            Sure enough by the time we got back to the inn’s front door, it was pouring down again. ‘Hmm, lucky guess,’ I grumbled to him as he looked smugly at me.

            ‘Not really, the clouds looked purple which usually means rain round here. Are you just heading straight to bed?’ he asked, sounding confused.

            With one raised eyebrow and a hand on the stair rail, I looked back with my own confusion spread across my face. ‘Er, yeh. It’s getting kind of late and I need my sleep,’ I explained, though for what reason I had no idea.

            He let out a sigh and dropped his head. ‘I know we hardly know each other but sometimes it helps to talk things through... you know, take it off your chest a bit. Come on, I’m sure we can get something from the kitchens.’ He walked behind the bar and stopped at the kitchen door.

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