Chapter 20

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1 Year Later:

The airport was crowded as usual. News had spread like wildfire that I had been raised from the dead, but I kept out of the limelight. Oprah had asked to interview me and get my side of the story, but I declined for now. I told her to ask me again in a week. What's going on in a week you ask?

It's simple: Bizzy's birthday party. I've been contacting Jordan secretly. His parents still don't know where to find me; JK should've believed me when I told him that I'd disappear if he told Bizzy that I was alive, but looking back now it was wrong and selfish of me to ask them that.

So that's why I contacted JK a month ago and asked him to write a song with me. We named it "Reset." It took me a while to learn Korean during my hiatus, but I managed; I still have a long way to go. JK and I will perform that song at Bizzy's birthday party. It will be a surprise to everyone there, but mostly him.

I'm staying with BTS for a week until the day of the birthday party. If I stay or go it all depends on Bizzy and his response. I've made up my mind. I know who I want.


"SUGA BEAR, I'VE MISSED YOU!!!" I ran up and jumped on Suga, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Hey, Mo-Star! I've missed you, too best friend!!!" Suga wrapped his arms around my waist. RapMon cleared his throat and I climbed down from Mt. Suga Cane. It seems that we were drawing attention to ourselves. I sheepishly smiled as the remaining boys bowed to me.

"Oh please! Give me some love!!! I haven't seen you guys in a year and you bow like we're strangers!" I gave them each a hug separately, kissing their cheeks.

Jimin stopped me from giving him a kiss. "Noona! I'm sexy. No kiss; it will mess up my sexy image." I held back my laugh and gave him a fake pout.

"If he no want, I take!" J-Hope said. I kissed both sides of his cheeks and winked.

"What? No fair, Noona! It was joke." Jimin crossed his arms over his chest and pouted like a baby. RapMon and Jin rolled their eyes.

I shook my head. "Too bad the moment's gone." I reached for Jin. "Hey, love bug! I've missed you! Come give momma some suga!" Jungkook laughed at my fake southern accent.

"Taehyung! Bogoshipoyo!!!" We hugged and he buried his face in my neck. RapMon had to pull him off of me.

"Baby Boo!!!! Hiiii! I've missed your face!" I sandwiched Jungkook's face between my hands. Kissing his cheek I rested my head on his shoulder. "How have you been?"

"Good. Great now you here." He smiled nervously. I winked at him and moved out of his comfort.

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed RapMon on the forehead. He shivered as I caressed his cheek with the back of my hand. "Hi." I got lost in the wave of his dimple. "Thank you for coming. Have you missed me?" He nodded his head, but he didn't make a sound.

Suddenly RapMon pulled me into a hug. Suga pulled us apart after a had minute passed. I smirked at his jealousy. "Because you're my Mr. Sexy;" I whispered after I kissed Jimin 3 times. "Oh," I stopped in my tracks. "I've gotten you all gifts, because well, Saranghae!"

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Bizzy's POV:

I had seen her from the corner of my eye. I had to do a double take, but by that time she was gone. Rubbing my eyes I left to go search for her.

Looking back a year ago it still pains me. Before Mo was kidnapped that day in the hospital I was planning to propose to her. I had the ring hidden in the flowers I had just purchased. Everything was perfect... well except for the fact that she was probably still mad with me.

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