Chapter 38

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"What do you think about adoption?" We were both in the kitchen cooking for our family fun night, where a bunch of our close friends come over and we act like kids.

His back was turned to me, but I could clearly hear the disappointment in his voice. "Adoption is nice, but I don't think it's for us."

Joon Young and I have been married for a little over 3 years now, and out of 2 of those years we've been trying to have a child. Against my better judgment I went to go and schedule an appointment with Roman yesterday. Quite frankly I really didn't trust anyone else looking me over. He ran some tests, and now I'm waiting on him to call me with the results.

I hate sneaking behind Joon Young's back, but I want to be sure before I tell him the news. I choked back my tears and smiled through the heartache. "You never know what can happen." I said hugging him from the back. "Promise me you'll keep an open mind, ok?"

Joon Young turned around and looked me in my eyes. "What's this about, jagiya?" I glanced away and smiled when my phone rang.

"Sorry. I'll be right back." The distraction came right on time. I checked the caller I.D to see it was Roman. My heart began pounding loudly. My shaky fingers struggled to answer the call. Once I did I put the phone to my ear and held my breath.

It was quiet for a moment as we both gathered our thoughts. "Can you come in tomorrow at noon? The tests cane back, but they weren't clear, so I'll have to run some more."

No news was good news, right? I nodded my head, even though I knew he couldn't see me. "Yeah sure, I'll be there at noon." I whispered. "See you then." As we hung up I exhaled and gently hit my pounding heart. "Calm down, will ya?" Gaining my composure back I set my phone on the charger and walked back into the kitchen.

"Who was that?" Joon Young asked, stirring the rice.

He couldn't have heard me, could he? "Huh?" I tried to stall, but even his gentle gaze was piercing. "Oh, it was a job offer." I shrugged as I had gone to the sink to wash my hands. "I've been getting calls left to right; it's a bit overwhelming."

With his hands on my waist he placed a delicate kiss to my neck. My knees suddenly felt weak. He turned me around to face him as he kept his hands positioned on my waist. "I love you. You know that, right?"

Placing my hand on his cheek I kissed his lips. "I do, and I love you too, babe!"

I was surprised when Joon Young placed his hands on my stomach. "Someday soon we'll have our own children. I can't wait to be a father, and you'll be the most amazing mother." His smile shined brightest whenever he mentioned about us having kids. I didn't want to rain on his parade, so I just smiled tightly.

The doorbell rang, and I moved from out of his embrace to answer the door. Tasha, JK, Victoria, Kai, Dongho and Courtney and Joon-ho and Lee-hi walked through the door. I hugged them all and lead them to the backyard. Springtime was beautiful in South Korea. "Where's Bizzy?" JK asked.

"Oh he's probably tidying up." I chuckled, but Tasha saw right through my façade.

She looked at me, furrowing her brows and mouthed to me "we need to talk." I only nodded and began to bring the food out. Dongho, on the other hand, wasted no time digging in. I could only laugh at him.

Joon Young came down the stairs a moment later and walked by me, purposely ignoring me. He hugged everyone and sat down. I walked over to him and began to sit on his lap when he suddenly sprang up and walked into the kitchen. Everyone noticed his rude behavior and the guys got up and went after Joon Young. "Are you two having problems?" Tasha whispered to me.

"If we are I'm unaware of it." I sighed looking into the kitchen at Joon Young.

Victoria patted my leg and hugged me. "You can talk to us. You know that, Mo. We're you're best friends. We got your back, girl!" She offered me a small smile.

I looked around at the women before me and sniffled, trying my hardest not to cry. "Well, as you know Joon Young and I have been trying to have a baby for 2 years now. I knew my chances were slim, every since Vladimir beat me to a pulp and caused internal bleeding within my body. I didn't want to acknowledge the fact that my heart may not be strong enough to carry a child."

"What did you do, Mo?" Tasha said in a comforting manner.

"I uh... I scheduled an appointment with Roman yesterday..." I didn't dare look up at the girls. I wasn't ready to see their reactions just yet.

"YOU WHAT???!!" Tasha raised her voice. I noticed how Victoria gave her a pointed look and she sighed. "Mo, after everything he's done, how could you go back to him?"

"Yes Mo, please tell us why you're still seeing Roman?" Joon Young said from the back door. He was calm, and that was a problem.

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. He heard me? "Damn; busted." I muttered to myself.

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