Chapter 62

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It was late by the time I made it back home. All of the lights were off, so I was sure that my husband was sleeping. I had hoped he was sleeping. I unlocked the door and set the alarm as quietly as I could.

On my way to the kitchen a light cut on in the living room. Placing a hand on my chest, I steadied my frightened heart. Joon Young rose to his feet and made his way over to where I was. I cringed and tried to hide my cheek and hand, but his eyes were sharp and focused. "Have you lost your mind, Mo?"

His voice was calm and that put some fear in me. I was going to speak, but he just pulled me into his embrace. "I love you, but this has got to stop."

"I couldn't sit back and do nothing." I mumbled.

"You can't save the world. You have a family to think about, so this superwoman act ends now!" Joon Young's words were stern, leaving no room for discussion. "How's the baby?"

"Great, healthy, alive..." I smiled. "I made sure to get an ultrasound afterwards. I was careful in my dealings...and I'm sorry."

He looked at me with those beautiful eyes that always seem to steal my breath away and kissed me. "I love you!"

> > > > > >

I had Joon Young go and pick up our daughter, because my body was too sore from that fight last night. Mocha would be sure to ask me about my wounds, but I didn't know what to tell her. Lying wasn't an option, but she didn't need to know the full details either.

I groaned as I heard the front door open and close. Mocha's voice called out my name and I smiled in delight. She warms my heart. I have to do better for my family. I can't go out avenging everyone who gets hurt. The pitter patter of Mocha's feet grew closer to my room door, and I sucked in a sharp breath. "Mommy, I had so much fun!!!"

She jumped on my bed and tackled me in hugs and kisses. I chuckled and returned her affection, making sure to hide my wounded hand. Joon Young stood in the doorway and smiled at our interaction. I must say that he's a natural when it comes to being a father. He winked at me, and I turned away hiding my blush.

"Did you eat lunch yet?" I asked. Mocha shook her head and rubbed her tummy. Laughing at her, I tickled her, and she accidentally hit my hand.

Joon Young quickly picked up Mocha and continued tickling her, while I examined my hand. I bit my tongue and held in my tears as the pain intensified. "Come on, let's go pick you out a movie to watch while Mommy gets dressed." He took Mocha to her room, and I finally let the tears fall.

5 minutes later Joon Young came back in the room with a first aid kit in his hand. He noticed my plight and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry..." I cried into his chest. "I got consumed with revenge, and I didn't even think twice about the repercussions. Please forgive me. I have to fix this before things spiral out of control."

"Hey, don't worry about it right now. Let's just go out to eat as a family. Okay?" I nodded my head and smiled as he wiped at my fallen tears. "You are so beautiful. I'm blessed to be able to love you."

His words caused me to blush tremendously. My heart beat faster and I lightly hit him on his chest. Joon Young chuckled at my actions. After he changed my bandages, I got ready to spend the day with my family.

3 months had passed and my body was healing nicely. I had the stitches taken out of my hand. Thankfully the wound didn't hurt as much. When MFBTY had shows on the weekends I took Mocha with me. She was so excited to see her Daddy on stage. He brought her out a few times, and the crowd loved her.

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