Chapter 72

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We've been in Thailand for 2 weeks already, and I haven't had a vision since we had first arrived. It gave me more time to go sightseeing with my friends and family. Yesterday we had visited Chan Narong and his wife. Everything about the meeting felt wrong, but I couldn't pinpoint what is was. I kept up a façade, as did the others, and Chan Narong bought into it.

That very night it was hard to sleep. Something was plaguing me about the whole visit with Chan Narong, and I wouldn't leave Thailand until the Lord revealed it to me. I prayed and finally drifted off to sleep. The following day we all had planned a trip to go shopping at the Bazaar (marketplace). We were all enjoying ourselves, and Mocha and I bought something for Joon Young. She was so eager to give the gift to him that day.

As we were walking back to the hotel, I felt my wrist and realized that I dropped the bracelet that Joon Young bought me. "Hey, I'll be right back. I seemed to have dropped my bracelet somewhere. Watch Mocha for me." I asked the ladies. They agreed, but Joon-ho wasn't taking any chances; he came with me.

The moment our feet touch the start of the Bazaar I got sucked into a vision. Joon-ho hugged me so we didn't look so suspicious standing in the middle of the busy marketplace. After my vision, panic set in. I didn't have time to explain it to Joon-ho, I just dragged him to the clothes section. On the edge of a table, my bracelet was waiting there for me, like a divine appointment from God.

Placing my bracelet back on my wrist, I followed my vision and turned to right to see a young girl getting kidnapped. Joon-ho and I wasted no time in following the van into the forest where we came upon a small house. We made eye contact. "This is where it happened, right?"

"This is the place we burned to the ground. It looks exactly the same..." Joon-ho said in fear. I hid behind the trees as he called for backup. Noticing that no one had picked up the phone, he took my hand and we left the forest undetected. We reached the hotel, and I suddenly felt as if I wanted to throw up.

"Mocha!" I took the stairs 2 at a time, with Joon-ho right by my side. I checked my hotel room to find it empty. I had went to Macy, Tasha and Veronica's room to find their rooms empty as well. Joon-ho headed to his room and gasped. In there, we found everyone blindfolded and tied up, but the children. "Where are the kids?"

I helped untie everyone and tried to keep my anger at bay. "We were ambushed as soon as we came into our rooms. They took the kids..." Tasha cried. The guys were still knocked out, and we needed to get to the kids A.S.A.P, and I think I know where they were taken.

"The forest..." I said to Joon-ho as I got a bucket of water and poured it over the guys. They woke up instantly, and as the memories came back into their minds the anger returned just as quickly. Not wanting to keep my husband out of the loop, I called him immediately.

The call lasted all of 3 minutes, and by the end of it Joon Young informed me that he and JK were on their way to us. "We have to let the police know. We're not going to do this illegally this time around." Macy said, and I actually agreed with her. The police showed up 10 minutes later. We all gave our testimonies, and I also let the police know of the kidnapping I witnessed earlier.

It took JK and Joon Young a total of 4 hours to make it to Thailand. They met us at our rooms in the hotel, and my façade finally crumbled. "Our baby girl has been kidnapped. Oh God..." Joon Young did his best to console me without losing his head and going on a killing spree. The police set up a rescue plan, and it went into effect 20 minutes later.

"You're not going." Joon Young said to me as he and the rest of the guys geared up.

"Joon Young, that's my daughter out there!" I yelled at him.

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