Chapter 3 - Pain, Anger and Mystery

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Published 09/03/16
Laura's POV


I can't believe it.

My sister.

When I thought she was working over in England with a company she was actually banging my boyfriend here, in America.

They are just standing there looking guilty staring at me and every once and a while they take a glance at each other.

They didn't say anything. They didn't need to. I knew what was happening in their minds. They just didn't care, about me, about my feelings. But I knew now what was after happening. I am so stupid... of course. Those too long stares they would give each other when Noah was in my house, when Vanessa still lived there. When he said he was going to the bathroom he probably went to her room for a 'quick' session. The times when I would come home from after school homework club, he would be in my kitchen talking with her and he would just say he was waiting for me.

I'm pissed, angry and just want to burst out into tears.

Then Vanessa spoke up first.

"Laur I---"

"When did it start?" I cut them off. You could see the stream of tears running down my face, but I kept a straight face not even bothering to wipe them away.

They looked at each other and looked back at me.

"Two month--" Vanessa got cut off again, but not by me, by Noah this time.

"A month after we started dating"

A MONTH! We started dating a year ago! And Vanessa tried to say two months ago. Oh my god, I can't believe this. I thought Vanessa was my sister, my best friend, my girl talk, my helper, my guide, my everything!

I couldn't hold it in anymore and I ran out of that closet uncontrollably crying. I am a mess. I don't care about Noah, at all actually. I'm upset because of 'her'. Best friends can break your heart more then boys ever will. (AN-I MADE THAT QUOTE UP MYSELF! Well I never saw it anywhere anyway😂)

They didn't come after me when I ran out, well they didn't so far and I don't think they will. I don't care though.

I don't even care about school. I'm just gonna skip the rest of the day. It's not like it's my first time doing it so it's okay. The bell rang for people to go to their classes as I ran out. I ran out to the parking lot, sobbing and crying, hard.

I just fell to the floor. I knew no one was looking at me or in the parking lot cuz I looked around first. I had nothing on me except for my phone in my pocket. I gave Raini my bag at lunch.

I then felt a presence, I looked around but their was no one that I could see. I couldn't get up and have a look though. I don't even care if it's a murderer.

I looked back down and just cried harder. I saw something in the corner of my eye, or should I say someone. It was boots, Brown leather boots. They came closer to me. I didn't need to look up. I had an idea of who it was. He bent down next to me.

"Are you okay"


His voice.

It was him.

He spoke.

I looked up through my wet eyelashes and stared at him for a second before I got up and wiped my eyes. He followed.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm... okay"

I answered but he just stood there and stared at me. What's he doing?

"No you're not"

Huh? So he can tell me if I'm okay or not? That's not okay? But he's right, I'm not okay. I started crying again.

"Don't worry about it" I said as I walked off wiping my tears but I couldn't stable myself and fell again.

This time I cried harder... again. He bent down and picked me up and started walking. I knew I shouldn't let him but, for some reason... I trust him... what?

I didn't see where he was taking me but I heard and felt him opening a car door. He put me inside the passenger seat of the truck and climbed into the drivers seat. When he put me in the passenger seat I started to silently cry.

"Laura right?" he asked casually.

I nodded.

"Skipping school?"

I nodded again.

"Do you want me to take you home?" I never answered that one though. I need to know who this blond is. What his name is, why is he doing this?

"Who are you? Why'd you do that when I fell? How'd you know I felt sad?---"

"Was it Noah?" He interrupted my non stop questioning.

I gave him a confused look. "Huh?"

"Was it Noah? The person who made you upset?" He clenched his jaw whenever he said his name. How does he know about Noah? Why is he like this towards Noah?

"Uhh, um, no"

He gave me a confused look like he was saying 'seriously'.

"I-I mean, k-kinda like, I eh dunno... he was apart of um why I'm upset" I stuttered while still thinking of how to word the question he gave me.

"Care to elaborate?" He asks as he started up the engine but didn't do anything else.

"Um he has been avoiding me lately and I was wondering why, so I um followed him out of the cafeteria to ask him and I eh saw him enter the janitors closet and when I opened the closet he was in there kissing my eh em" I started sobbing "my sister" I was crying now, he put his arm around me and I cried into his chest. I pulled away and wiped my eyes. "But it's not him I'm upset about, it's my sister, she's been everything to me and to lie to me for nearly a year about seeing him while he was still my boyfriend, i-it's just uhm..."

"Yeah I get what you mean, my brother stole my girlfriend when I was fourteen and I was not happy" he chuckled while emphasising on the 'not'.

So now I know two facts about him, he has a truck, and he has a brother.

"Anyway I told you a lot about me, so what's you name?" I asked.


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