Chapter 12 - Library

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Published 25/04/16 << I keep on forgetting to put these up :/

Ross' POV

Just before lunch I went up to Laura. She was putting her books in her locker and when she saw me she smiled like crazy. It made me smile even bigger then I already was.

"Hey you coming to lunch with us" She asked as she pointed to the rest of her friends walking towards her.

"Nope, I don't eat in the cafeteria. I was wondering if you would like to come join Calum and I for lunch in the library?" He asked.

"She can't, she has explaining to do" Carrie interrupts grabbing Laura and pulling her away but Laura stops herself and laughs.

"Why don't we all go to the library so me and Ross can explain the story to you?" She asked.

"Yup that's great actually because I need to get a new book to read. Also it's Ross and I, not me and Ross" Hannah explains. Laura and I laugh.

"What are you? The grammar police?" I asked jokingly and she looks at me unsurely for a while but then shrugs and laughs a little bit too.

"Ugh are you kidding me?! We have to go to a room of books for lunch?!" Carrie whines. Woah she's kind of always complaining... I don't really like that but oh well. Raini just grabs her hand.

"C'mon!" She says and we all start walking. I grab Laura's hand and she smiles up at me and squeezes my hand a bit and I feel myself blushing a bit. I hope she doesn't notice.

-------------Mysterious Boy-------------

Laura's POV

We all walk into the library after getting our food, by now Ross and I are not holding hands anymore since we had to let go to carry out food... sad face :(.

As we walk into the library, we get greeted by Calum.

"Bro, I thought you were just bringing Laura but you're bringing all the girls!" Calum mocked Ross.

Ross starts laughing a bit and him and Calum do a secret handshake and then they sit down on the floor in one of the isles for books at the back so people can't really see them.

They were gone out of our sight. We looked at each other weirdly.

"C'MON OVER HERE" Ross shouted.

I walked over and the rest of my friends followed. We all sit down. I sat down next to Ross with my food and started to eat because I was starving. I must of been stuffing myself because Ross whispers "Hungry?" in my ear. I nod and he chuckles.

"Oh for the love of god! At least say something! Don't just sit there and pretend nothing happened!" Carrie said to Ross and I. Ross and Calum chuckle a bit and look at me expecting to speak up first.

"What do you want to know?" I shrugged.

"Hmm, I dunno like maybe... How did you meet? When did you meet? Why didn't you tell us you talked to the 'Mysterious Boy'? When did you become friends? Are you more then just friends?-"

"Hold up! When I found out Noah cheated on me, I was running out of the school when I bumped into him. It was like only about a week and a half ago. I only told Raini cuz... I dunno. When we first met and uh... no" Laura says, stuttering at the end.

Ross' POV

"... no" Laura finishes. Man that hurt. I really like Laura and I really want us to be more then just friends but she obviously doesn't like me in that way. Plus I'd just be putting her in danger if I were to ask her to be my girlfriend.

"Okay" Hannah says and then turns to me and Calum. "And ye! Why are ye so secretive? How come we never see you around?"

"Sure what's the fun in that?" Calum says smirking. "I mean, everyone pretty much knows everything about ye cuz you're so open... we don't do that kind of stuff"

Raini, Hannah and Carrie looked kind of shocked at what he said, but I guess he's right... I guess.

"How come you're always out of school?" Raini asks.

"Work" Coss say in unison. Yes I literally just made that up... it's easier then saying Calum and Ross anyway ;)

"Do ye read?" Ross asks everyone.

"Nope" Carrie and Raini say in unison just like Coss did a second ago.

"Yeah I love reading" Hannah says.

"I actually don't mind reading, it depends what book though... it needs go hook me in" Laura says.

"Same" Calum perks.

"I personally love reading. I find it's a great way to relax" Ross says, chewing on his half eaten sandwich. Carrie, Raini and Hannah looked shocked, like they didn't expect Ross to be a reader. "What?" Ross shrugs. They shake their heads.

"Let's crack some jokes, shall we?" Calum says in a very weird/funny voice with makes everyone laugh.

"Oh yes! This is gonna be good!" Ross basically shouts. Obviously fond of Calum's jokes.


hmmm this is a short chappy... whoops.

btw i've had this chappy for like a week and still didn't post it again... whoops.


also i made a rydellington ff called 'Wrong Feels So Right' go on my page and check it out!

omg who's excited for the rdmas??? this gal!!!

anyway thanks for reading!

have a good day/night wherever you are ;)

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