Chapter 7 - Sleepovers

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Laura's POV (Again, I know, sorry)

It's been a week since Ross texted me and we still haven't hung out once. We never hung out over the weekend like he said and he wasn't in school for the week. To be fair he did text me Saturday its said "Hi Laura, I'm sorry but I can't hang out with you this weekend something came up. I won't be in school either for a while.". I just replied with a simple "That's okay" and since then I haven't heard from him. Mentioning that it's also been a week since I saw Noah cheating on me with my sister. I never speak to them anymore though. Vanessa tried to call me saying she's sorry but I couldn't be dealing with her shit now. Calum has been in school Tuesday and Wednesday also but then he wasn't again and I see the teachers are starting to get annoyed with their absence, since they have been pretty much absent from school since they moved to this school and that's not good.

I just finished school and we're all going back to Carrie's to hang out since her parents are away celebrating with a golf club (Because they won the golf tournament) they joined a couple of years back. Carrie's parents are very good golfers and Carrie is pretty good too. She has all the gear and very fashionable golf wear. This is one of the many talents she has. She can also play guitar a small bit, act, sing and certainly she is boy crazy and is always focused on boys but mostly she has a great fashion sense. She's brilliant at everything beauty; nails, hair, makeup. Herself and Raini kinda share that talent while Hannah and I are clueless when it comes to that stuff but Raini is more of the fashion side of it while Carrie is more into beauty. Hannah is more of a bookworm, she knows everything, never failed a test, not once in her life. She wants to be a lawyer when she grows up but Hannah isn't a total nerd she goes to party's, has fun but she never drinks. She is a poser though a total picture poser. See Raini and Carrie always try new fashion looks on her, Raini gets the outfits ready while Carrie is the one doing her makeup. They tried doing that stuff on me but I didn't like being used as their 'model' I only let them do stuff like that on me if we're going out. And I'm into photography so I take the pictures of Hannah when they're done with her look. She always looks flawless like an absolute model. People always say I have a talent when it comes to photography, they say I'm a very artistic person and that I always have an open mind. I mean I love art and drawing like a lot and photography is something I've been always into but mostly I love music and writting music. My friends don't know about this though and I kinda wanna keep it that way.

As we enter the house I get a smell, I really nice smell, it smelled like pizza! Yay I love pizza! Carrie's sister, Cricket must be making it since she was home sick today from school by a bad head and stomach ache.

"Hm Cricket I thought you were too sick to do anything?" Carrie taunted, smirking at Cricket as we all entered the kitchen.

"I wasn't even sick I just didn't want to go to school" She replied shrugging like it was no big deal. Hannah gasped and we all laughed.

"I love this girl" Raini laughed and Carrie rolled her eyes.

"I love you too Rain" Cricket said and Raini pulled her into a hug. Cricket was pretty much part of our 'squad' as we like to call it even though she's younger then us. Vanessa, my sister used to always hang out with us too until she moved away and banged my boyfriend behind my back. All the girls know about that too. They said that Vanessa was trying to call them too but Cricket and Hannah blocked her on all social medias and Raini and Carrie scared her away by shouting, cursing and screaming into the phone at her saying how selfish she was.

"GIRLS NIGHT?!!!!" Raini shouted and we all squealed, running upstairs to pick out a movie and get into our pj's exept Cricket who was already in her pj's. She stayed down stairs and got all the munchies, drinks and pizza ready.

We ending up picking out 'The Fault In Our Stars' as we were watching the movie in the living room I got a text and smiled as soon as I saw who it was...

(Ross ~ Laura)

Hey Laura, I guess I'm sorry for not talking to you all week but I'm just busy but I can get away and meet up with you tomorrow if you want?


Yeah I'd be able to meet up with you tomorrow:)

Great see you around 2? Is that okay?

Yup see you then😀

I didn't want to sound too needy like I wanted to say "YEAH I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU TOMORROW" but obviously not in all caps but I didn't want to scare him off. I tried playing cool and I guess it worked too.

When the movie ended we played games and talked about boys. I felt sleepy though so halfway through the boys talk I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sounds of music playing. All the girls were in the kitchen dancing to music while making breakfast except me and Raini who woke up from the loud sounds.

"SHUT UPPPPP" Raini yelled lying back down and covering her ears with the pillows. Oh today I'm seeing Ross yay!

"Hey what time is it?" I asked the girls from the living room to them in the kitchen since one of the the living room doors were open and that leads to the kitchen.

"1:30" Hannah replied.

Oh shit. I'm supposed to meet Ross at 2.
Soooooooo how'd you guys like that chapter? I'm sorry Ross isn't in it but I swear he'll be in the next one and maybe you'll find out why Ross is always absent😉

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