Chapter 8 - Starbucks

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Hey guys I don't usually update my fanfics this early but my friend was bugging me over snapchat😂 So hope you enjoy this chapter!
Laura's POV

As soon as I saw the time I got into my car and raced home like if I didn't get home in two minutes I would be sentenced to death. Okay maybe I'm over exaggerating but you know...

When I got home I ran up to the door but to my luck I forgot my keys in Carrie's. Their was spare keys in the house though but I couldn't get in.

I leaned against the door and slid down "stupid child" I said to myself in a weird accent. Then I saw that the living room window was open. "Oh thank you lord!" I shouted and immediately regretted because the people walking past looking at me like little kids looked at disabled people; wide eyed and creeped out, yet the smallest bit interested in my life... I don't know I think I'm hallucinating.

I walked over to the window and opened it wider to fit my body in. I'm struggling bad right now. "Damn it!" I said to myself when my foot slipped and I fell straight back onto the fresh grass.

I got up and tried to get in again. I was successful in the sense that I got half my body through. I kept on kicking the air with my legs 'Yeah like that's going to help' I thought to myself and made a face at my stupidity.

I brought my knee up to the window and tried to push myself forward more.


I slipped again. "Ow jesus!" I said. But this time I landed in my house. YAY! I started doing a little victory dance then noticed the grandfather clock in the corner of my room.

1:45 pm.


I ran up to my bathroom and quickly stripped down. I then jumped into the shower. The warm water feels so good, trickling down my body. It helped me relax.

After the shower I went into my bedroom and pulled clothes that I thought would look nice from my closet.

I finally settled on a white sleeveless top with black bows and a black peter pan collar on it with light pink salmony jeans. For jewellery I put on a silver treble clef necklace, a rose gold bracelet with a small love heart on it and another bracelet with gold, black and coper on it. (In the picture above). For shoes I decided for my white vans. (Not in the picture above). I just had my hair in it's natural waves.

As I put finishing touches on my make up I heard my door bell ring.

I went down stairs and opened the door a friendly, warm smile.

"Hey" He said smiling. He was in his usual style, black and white. White jeans with his chain and black boots but this time his top was different, he was wearing one that was blue and it showed off his abs nicely and his hair was messy as usual.

"Hey, how are you" I replied with my own cheery self.

"Good and you?" He asked.

"Fine" I said smiling and he returned the smile. "Come in" I said moving out of the way so he could come in.

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I dunno maybe we could go to Starbucks or go bowling, ouh or go ice skating, I heard their's this new place...."
Ross' POV (yay finally!)

She kept on rambling about this new place in the city centre and found it cute. I chuckled and she looked at me embarrassed.

"Okay so ice skating it is" I laughed and she made a confused face.

"Huh now that you mention it, it doesn't sound fun anymore" She said and I chuckled. This girl.

"Okay then we can go bowling" I offered since she said that she'd like to go there a few seconds ago.

"Don't you think that's a bit cliché though?" She asked looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Hey you suggested if first" I protested trying to say serious but it failed.

"I did?... oh" She said.

"Then Starbucks it is!" I said since it was our last option.

"Okay" She said excitedly.
When we got to Starbucks I ordered a coffee and Laura ordered a strawberry cream frappé. She put her name down as Justin Bieber though since she was obsessed with him.

I then saw familiar people outside the front of Starbucks.

Oh shit.
Laura's POV
Ross all of a sudden got up out of his seat and told me to follow him. He sounded panicky like he was going to get caught?

He went up to the counter and said something to the person behind it and he nodded. I didn't know what they were saying but I just decided to sip my delicious frappé and keep quiet.

"Follow me" Ross said as he walked into the back of Starbucks being led by the man that was behind the counter. He led us to the emergency exit of Starbucks.

"Ross what's going on?" I asked him as we exited the building. He never said anything just grabbed my hand and went to his car.

We both got into it and he drove off. I was still looking at him weirdly though.

"Sorry about that" He said casually shaking his head.

"What was that? Why did we have to leave so early and through the emergency exit?" I asked but I was cut off by Ross cursing under his breath. I looked behind me and there was a black van behind us but the van was keeping it's distance from us. What's going on?

"Okay I was going to go back to your house but I guess we're going for a little ride" He said and chuckled. He started speeding up and turned onto a rode that people don't usually go down. Oh no...
yayyy how'd you like that chapter?

And who are those men?

What's Ross hiding?

You'll find out a lot more in the next chapter.

Maybe you'll find out the secrets that this mysterious boy is hiding.


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