Chapter 11 - Drama

199 18 4

Published 17/04/16
Sorry if I don't upload as much as I'd like I'm just busy😂__________________________

Laura's POV


As I walk through the school doors with Raini something catches my eye, or should I say someone.

It's Ross.

And Calum.

In school.

In front of everyone... not going to classes secretly or not staying away from the school halls.

I guess their's a first for everything.

Raini looks at me smirking when she see's the blond hottie that I told her about last night. Yes she knows about the kiss and by the way Calum smirked at Ross when he saw me, I'm guessing he knows about it too.

Ross sees me and smiles. I start walking towards them with Raini. When we reached them, before I could say anything, my beloved friend Raini decides to speak up. Sighs.

"So when you gonna ask her to be your girlfriend Ross?" Raini whisper yells. I can feel the heat rising on my cheeks. Did she seriously just ask him that? Ross chuckles and he was about to say something before Calum speaks up.

"Oh don't worry he's gonna ask her today" He says smirking at me. And by now I'm as red as a tomato. From the conversation and from the fact that the whole school is now starring at us in shock because we're talking to the 'Mystery Guys' as everyone is referring them to. Thank god they can't hear our conversation though because we're whispering. Ross just laughs loudly which makes more people stare at us in awe.

"I never said that" Ross says still smiling from laughing.

"You didn't have to. I know you man, you were going to, I could see it in your eyes" Calum says, jiggling his body around while pointing to his eyes. Ross just shakes his head still smiling and... giggling a little?

"Ross, I'm Raini" Raini said while putting out her hand so Ross could shake it. Ross takes it.

"Nice to finally meet you Raini, this is Calum" Ross says gesturing to Calum. Calum and Raini shake hands and say hi while I'm still just standing here.

"You okay" Ross mouthed to me. I nodded.

"Calum nice to finally meet you also" I said finally speaking up and grabbing Calum's hand to shake it.

"Well hello Shor" We hear a voice from behind Ross and Calum and we turn around to investigate.

Noah. The one guy who I despise. Noah and his fucking jerks that's on the school soccer team with him.

"Noah" Ross says under his breath and he grits his teeth.

"How nice to see you again" Noah says coldly. "So I see you ran out of girls to fuck in Cali so you came here?" All of Noah's friends laugh surprisingly Ross does too.

"At least I got girls in Cali" He says and people start "oh"ing. Noah turns his head to Calum.

"Did he drag you here? Do you do anything for yourself or does Ross always have to be the boss of you?" He says. As soon as Noah said 'Ross' everyone started whispering things like "Ross that's his name" or "Ross suits him" or "Omg his name is Ross".

"Actually I came here before Ross and then he followed me here a couple of days later" Calum states.

"Do YOU do anything for yourself? Or do you have to have a backup team to do the work for you?" Ross asks. "Like I remember when I had to defend for you back in Cali because you were to afraid to face the 12 year old girl when we were 14" He mentions. Everyone laughs lightly. By now Carrie and Hannah were after coming up to Raini and I asking what was going on. I took no notice of them though and kept watching in curiosity.

Noah looks like he wants to kill Ross.

"So I see you're quite popular here" Ross said looking around the room at all the people watching them as they talked.

"Yeah, I mean, in school back in Cali you were apart of the nerd squad. You know; glasses, suspenders, bag full of books. That is until Ross found you in the fields crying over a bully and decided to give you a make over to make you look cool so you could join our group" Calum says cutting in. Everyone was looking at Noah in shock,  including me.

"Oops... I guess nobody knew" Ross trails off.

Nobody's POV

That's when Noah lost it. He took a swing at Ross but Ross dodged his fist and started walking away from him with Calum, two of them smirking.

"Miss" Ross says as he walks off but Noah wasn't done with him yet.

He runs up to Ross and grabs his arm to turn him around taking another swing at him. Yet again the punch didn't hit Ross' face. This time it was because Ross caught his hand. Laura was scared, she didn't want Ross or Calum to get hurt. She had tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Ross and Noah's faces were very close while Noah was struggling to get out of Ross' grip. Ross wanted to beat the shit out of him but he knew it would lead to something worst, also they were at school. He didn't want to start big drama.

"You will leave Laura and her friends alone, and Calum and I, or people will know all about your fucked up past in Cali" Ross demanded. "Got it?" Noah nodded his head slightly but coldly. He wanted to go after Ross and Calum but the school knew enough about his past. He didn't want them to know anymore. "Good" Ross said letting go of Noah turning around to go to class. Him and Calum smirking.

By then the bell was after ringing so half the school were already at their classes.

Laura ran after Ross looking for answers.

Laura's POV again...

I ran after Ross wanting to know what he said to Noah and if he was okay. When I caught up to him I embraced him in a tight hug. He hugged back without even having to think.

"Are you okay?" I asked my head in his chest.

"Yeah of course I am" He said slightly chuckling. Then we stopped hugging. Raini came running up after me with Carrie and Hannah trailing behind.

"What the FUCK was that" Carrie shouted and we all shushed her. She rolled her eyes. "Oh kill me whoops I sweared in the school halls" She said herself and Hannah crossing her arms looking for answers.

"Since when was blondie over here friends with you?!" Hannah asked me.

"Miss. Marano, Miss. Jones, Miss. Wampler, Miss. Rodriguez, Mr. Lynch and Mr. Worthy! Get to class! Right now!" Miss Adams our science teacher scolded at us. We all apologised and walked to our classes.

"It's a long story, tell ye at lunch" I whispered to Carrie and Hannah.



Carrie and Hannah said simultaneously clearly annoyed. I looked at Ross and he winked at me before turning and walking the opposite direction.

Damn that ass.


That chapter was dedicated to multiships because it's named drama and she is always creating drama😉😂

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