Chapter 5 - Kiss?

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Published on 15/03/16
Hey guys omg okay so I was watching Raura edits and yeah I have the 'feels' now omg!!!!!
Laura's POV

Did he just say that it's my turn? What? No, no no no no! I don't sing... well I do but not very good and I don't play... well I do, I play very good actually but I don't play piano in front of people. I have stage fright... well kinda, I will go on stage and stuff and do stuff like introducing people and I dance on stage when we have dance shows in school, but I always do them with my friends. I've never sang on stage though, I'm terrified to. I only mess around and sing with my friends in our rooms or at a concert. My friends haven't even heard my real voice, or heard me play piano properly. I guess I was always afraid to perform in front of people, in case I mess up. Which is silly because they're my best friends. Something about Ross though makes me feel fearless. How is he making me feel this way. Whenever I look at this boy I have a new question in my head that I so desperately need to be answered.

"Uh how about no" I said to him as I settled back on the couch. He frowned. Then he automatically smirked at me, he looked like he remembered something.

"Well FYI you're an amazing singer" He said grabbing his soda and sitting down next to me. How does he know what my voice sounds like? He never heard me sing! Where is he going with this?!

"What?" I questioned.

"Two days ago, at school, in the library. I heard you sing. You probably thought no one was there. But I was". He said, completely casually.

Oh god! He heard me sing.

"Sorry I probably deafened you". I said looking down at my hands that were now scraping some nail polish of my finger nails. I do that when I'm nervous.

As soon as I said that he didn't move or flinch he just kept staring at me for at least 5 long seconds.

"Actually I think you had one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard". He said his eyes not leaving mine. I couldn't help but smile. I probably looked like an idiot. He's so sweet though!

We were sitting so close on the couch, just staring at each other... and it wasn't awkward!

Then we started to lean in. My heart was beating like a million times a minute. I could bearly breathe as I felt his hot breath come closer to me. We were just millimetres apart which made me go absolutely crazy! Not like jump up and down crazy, like crazy that I got major butterflies from excitement/nervousness. I closed my eyes and I felt his lips brush against mine. I started mentally fangirling. This was really about to happen. Wait, do I like Ross?

*Phone rings*

I jerked my body back away from him as he backed away too on the couch and took out his phone that was ringing. I motioned to him that I'll be out in the kitchen. He nodded and continued with his phone call. I went out because I needed go just process everything that just happened. I wasn't listening to what he was saying on the phone but I could tell it was something bad by his tone of voice. He came back out a few minutes later.

"I have to go but maybe we can hang out some other time" He asked. He looked like he was in a hurry.

"Yeah and is everything okay?" I said.

"Yeah everything's fine" He said but in his tone of voice I knew something was up. I didn't want to say anything because I knew he was already in a rush and I didn't want to slow him down.

"Okay but I might need your number or something to umm..." I started.

"Yeah" He cut me off, grabbing a pen and paper and writing down his number. "Text me later to say it's you and then I'll save your number" He instructed.

"Okay" I said as I opened the door for him.

"Bye" He said before running over to his car, jumping in and driving away.

"Bye" I whispered.

Okay so guys we had a Raura moment! Yayyy! Tell me what you'd like to see more of in the comments!😉
Bye for now.

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