Chapter 2

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Giovanni "Gio" Bionachi 😍
Gio's pov:
I walked in the club and instantly regretted it, I only came because I was asked to come by my little sister, Tonya saying she wanted to introduce me to someone.

I had far more important thing to worry about rather than coming to a club but everything and anything in my life came to a halt when it was about my family.

All 124 members...

I look over and see my sister waving crazily over some curly haired with her head hurried in her purse. I walk over and am immediately attacked into a big bear hug.

We looked nothing alike and that might be because Tonya was the love child of my father and another women. We shared the same thick black hair and tall height that she often complained about.

Her mother had died while in labor and my mother took her in because she had no one else to call family.

I pick her up and swirl her around as she hangs on to me giggling. I've missed her so much and it's only been a month since I'd last seen her. Her modeling career has taken a off and we've begun to see less and less of her.

Tonya was my whole world put into one person. The only girl I loved at this point in my life and the only one my father would love ever since my mother passed away four years ago.

I finally put her down and couldn't help but hug her again.

"Okay Gio if you keep hugging us like that, you're gonna make us sick again," she said still giggling.

"Sickkkk?!" I yelled for dramatic effect.

"Have you not been eating well? Is it a boy? Which one boy is is, I swear I'll kill him with my bare hands! Which one is it? Was it Tony? Of course it's Tony, I swear I'll kill Tony, just le-"

"G, it wasn't a boy. Goshhhhhh, can you not threaten to always kill my ex. I think putting him into a coma and then dad putting him into a coma a few days right after he came out of the first was enough," she says holding back a laugh.

If he didn't put a restraining order against me, I'd probably put him in another coma, this time hopefully a permanent to the afterlife.

"Then what is it? You know what, never mind lets go. I'll call in the doctor and we can get you checked out and fixed by tonight. Why didn't you tell me you were sick T? You know I worry like when it comes to you," I say shaking my head.

"Okay slow down there, we don't need to see a doctor, we are perfectly fine."

"We? Why do you keep saying 'we'?"

I was cut off by Tonya grabbing my hand and placing it on her stomach. She looked up at me and said "We" and instantly I felt what might've been movement in her stomach.



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