Chapter 32

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I didn't get much sleep last night & so I slept all through today & then went to Rue 21 to shop & they have no size 0's yet they've got EVERYTHING else 😒 . Whatever 🙄. Read on people & don't be confused, Victor is Gio's father.

Victor's pov:
"Is he going to make it doc?" I ask persistently.

"Uh, please sit down," the doctor says pointing to a bench behind me.

He takes a deep breath and speaks.

"Sir, your son is currently in a coma. Weather or not he'll make we are not certain. We are however certain that he's lost some memory, whatever or whom ever was stressing him out before the accident is out of his mind."

"Is there anyway to trigger is memory back?"

"Let it come back on its own. If you try to force it back into him the further away it'll go and he could possibly have a break down due to the stress."

I close my eyes and sigh.

"When will he wake up doc?"

"Only time can tell Victor," the doctor says giving me a sympathetic look before walking off.

A week later:

Gio's pov:
"Ughhhh," I groan trying to sit up but I slumped right back down.

"You're awake," comes my fathers voice from the door.

"Yeah, what happened?" I ask trying to sit up once again but failing miserably.

"You got into a car accident and got hurt pretty bad," he says pointing to the bandages across my body.

Just then Tonya walks in and my smile expands to as far as it can go.

"Tonya! When'd you come back? I thought you were off for modeling," I ask.

"Uh, a couple of days ago," she says sitting on my bed.

"We've missed you these past couple of days," she says while pulling me in for a hug.

After we pull away I look between her and father and sense something is wrong and I might be the only one who knows something is not right.

"Days?" I ask.

"You were in a comba for a week Giovanni," my father says patting me on the back.

"What about the men?" I ask giving him a worried look.

"Huey's doing a good job at making sure everyone's doing their part."

After a few moments of an awkward silence Tonya finally breaks it.

"Well daddy, we should get going with those plans we had earlier today," she says standing up.

He gives her a puzzled look and then finally speaks with a now sad smile on his face.

"Come on," he says turning away from me.

"What am I suppose to do?" I ask now irritated they're leaving me.

"Get some rest," he says with a sad smile before closing the door behind him.

Something is off, I just know it.

But what? What're they hiding from me?

I take off the covers and muster up the courage to walk. At first it feels as if there are needles hooked all over me but the pain numbs down soon enough and I'd be lying if I said it was easy or comfortable.

I go downstairs and straight into the kitchen. There's no sign of Maria so I go looking for her.

Finally I hear voices outside and follow it.

"Make sure he doesn't get out of the house and no visitors in or out. We don't want him to remember what happened or for it to be triggered just yet," goes my fathers voice.

"Yes sir," goes Huey.

"Remember what?" Goes the voice in my head and as much as I try to remember the events before the car accident they're not there.

The more I think about it the dizzier I get and that causes me to stumble back and bump into a back wall.

My head begins to explode with an excruciating pain and once again everything goes black.


I wake up and there's a glass of water near me and some medications.

"That should help take away the pain," comes Huey's voice from the doorway.

"Huey, what happened?" I ask trying to lift myself up.

"You fainted," he says as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

"Okay but why?" I ask slumping back down.

"And why am I finding it so damn hard to get up?" I ask trying once again.

"You were hit my a truck boss, it'll be a while before you can do any of the things you use to be able to do," he says with no emotion.

Those words somehow make me feel weak and I can't help but get angry at just hearing them.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask with an edge to my voice.

Huey senses my irritation and slowly closes the door before leaving.

I turn over and reach for my phone. There are calls from unknown numbers and unsaved number that I've never seen before.

I delete them all before looking for a number I hadn't dialed up in a while.

After a few rings she finally picks up and purrs through the phone.

"I thought you'd never call, I've missed you baby," she says seductively.

"Well how about you come over and show me just how much you miss me Ina."

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