Chapter 34

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Diyah's pov:
It's been a whole week since I've been at my fathers house. It's the only place where I feel safe and secure from Lester.

Both my parents were constantly checking up on me. I felt like a child once again and I didn't mind it.

No days passed by that I didn't think of what happened or about Gio.

I didn't speak about happened with my partners and thankfully they weren't pressuring me into talking about it either.

I go downstairs to get something to eat and there's a knock on the door. I open it and find a now suprised Tonya and her father.

Everything is still for god knows how long and I don't know what to say, neither do they.

We just stare at each other blankly yet so much emotion and understanding going between us.

My father comes to the doorstep and charges at Victor.

"Do you see what your son did to my daughter? Is this what you wanted for my daughter all along Victor? To get beaten by your abusive son?" My father asks with pure rage in his voice.

"Dad Giovanni did nothing to me," I say finish my voice.

"Of course you'll defend him, you don't have to anymore sweetie," he says his voice lowering down a bit.

"Can we sit down and talk about what happened somewhere please?" Victor asks with his voice as calm as ever.

My father turns to go to his office and Victor follows right behind leaving me and Tonya.

"Come in," I say with a small smile hoping to ease the tension.

She walks in and I take her up to my room before closing the door.

"We thought you were dead Nadiyah," she says fiddling with her hands.

"That's what we came here for, to tell your father about everything that happene-."

"Pleas don't tell him," I cut her off.

She gives me a confused look and I add on.

"He's overly protective and I don't want him involved in the whole Lester thing or to know that Gio is in the mafia. He'll never accept him if he finds out."

She gives me saddened look and takes a deep breath before finally speaking.

"Look about Gio-," before she can finish the door opens and my mother steps in with a plate of food and medications.

"We had guest? Had I known I would've cooked more, how are you Tonya?" She says pulling Tonya into a hug.

"I'm great, I came with my father," Tonya says pulling away from the hug.

After sensing the awkwardness my mother finally speaks.

"Well, I should probably leave you two to talk about whatever it was you were talking about," she says closing the door on her way out.

"What about Giovanni now?" I ask.

"You have to forget about him Diyah," she says sitting down on my bed.

After a long silence she finally continues.

"He's forgotten about you," she says her voice low.

"I'm not dead," I say more to myself than her.

"I know you're not and we're glad you're not. My dad promises to get Lester and protect yo-"

"Don't even finish that sentence Tonya," I say firmly.

"Because the last time someone said they'd protect me you know what happened to me? I was left with a maniac," I add on.

"I know and I get it, I really do," she says.

"No you don't get it, that's the thing," I say bitterly.

"I was raped, beaten, and had my baby taken from me by Lester," she says looking up at me.

"Lester took everything from me and you're going to sit here and tell me I don't understand?" She says her voice filled with venom.

"That's not what I meant Tonya," I say after a long silence.

"I get it," she says with a small smile.

"Why should I stay away from him?" I ask to break the awkwardness.

"He's lost his memory. All of it before he met you," she says looking sympathetic.

"Why before he met me?"

"Because you were the main source of his stress," she says quietly.


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