Chapter 56

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Hi my lovelies, so this chapter is very interesting. It might make some people happy and might make others hate me 😭. Also, I NEED your help on something so once you're done ready comment you answer to the question at the bottom. Okay?

Diyah's pov:
The line went completely silent and after what felt like forever Dr. Stang finally cleared his throat.

"Uh, can I ask why?" He asks.

I didn't want to tell him. Him and my father were very close and I knew news would get out to him and that would all come back to me in the end. My whole family would be devastated.

"I just don't think I can raise a baby at this point in my life," I say sighing.

It was partly the truth.

"Sweetheart you're 22, there are 15 year old girls having kids, taking care of kids, and still going to school. Why wouldn't you be able to? You're not in school, your job is done online, and you make enough money to support yourself and a baby not to mention help from your family. So what could you possibly not be ready with that you'd want to abort your unborn child?"

His words hit home and before I know it I am crying. It is as if the smallest things could make me cry and by small, I mean small.

"Awwww, I didn't mean that. All I meant is that there are other options besides abortion such as adoption. Look into them," he says softly.

I know what he's saying is right. As hard as I wanted to convince myself what I was doing was best for me, I couldn't because it wasn't. I'd be lying to myself if I said killing my unborn child was perfectly okay with me and wouldn't haunt me for the rest of my life.

I looked down onto my stomach and instantly felt bad on my behalf.

Poor baby.

My baby.

"Can it hear what we're say or doing at this point?" I ask the guilt in me killing me alive.

"By 'it' are you referring to your fetus?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to call it," I say feeling bad all over again.

"Give it a name now and no, that doesn't happen until later on. Why don't you come in for a check up tomorrow and we can discuss your options." He clears his throat and his voice changes.

"Or go through with the operation if that's what you'd like to do still, I won't judge you on whatever you decide," he says honestly and I know he wouldn't judge me for it.

After scheduling my appointment with his secretary, I straighten myself out and take one good look at myself.

As much as I wanted to me selfish and keep this to myself, I knew I couldn't. He has a right to know and it would only seem right him hearing it from rather than anyone else.

Even if Giovanni knew, I didn't want him in the life of me or my baby and that was my final say.

I could do this, face the man I loved that broke my heart and tell him that I'm pregnant with his second child but that I don't want him involved in either of our lives, right?

I was going to be a single mother and support my baby to the best that I could without Gio in my life.

Just when do I tell him? And how?

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