Chapter 22

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Gio's pov:
Before Diyah I never thought I'd be this soft. Surly not for a girl but yet here I am cuddled up and watching almost every Disney movie that's ever existed.

She's wearing my shirt because she got cold and didn't want to get up and look for my sweater. It was too big for her but somehow she made it look sexy.

Finally at midnight she drifted off to sleep and I stayed awake admiring everything about her.

Her curly hair that I knew she hated sometimes. I loved how it moved with every movement she made and how sexy it looked with she wore it down.

Her eyes that changed with her. They were dark brown when she was mad and a dark green when she was happy. They were an in between shade of the two when she was hurt or confused.

Her nose that scrunched up when she was sleep and made little whistling nosises every time she took a deep breath.

My eyes trailed down to her lips and God was that my favorite part. They slightly overlapped each other and that was the sexiest thing ever. When she pouted it was more of a turn on than anything I could imagine.

The feeling of her lips on mine drove me insane. I could kiss her forever without getting tired of it.

My eyes trailed even lower and the I instantly got turned on. She must've taken her bra off because her nipple peaked through my shirt and showed more and more of her boobs has she heaved in her sleep.

"sei così sexy," I muttered to myself. If I kept staring at her any longer the front side of my pants would rip from a my boner.

As much as I wanted to make love to Diyah and be inside her, I wanted it to be special. Unlike any other girl I've ever been, I wanted to make love to her not just sex. I knew she wanted her first time to be special and I wanted to make that happen. I was willing to wait as long as she wanted.

I took another glance at her then an idea came into my mind. I threw on a shirt and went downstairs, luckily my pants were sweats and not noticeable anymore.

I went into the storage room and went to the very back corner until I found what I was looking for.

I grabbed the bag and opened it, everything looked the same way it did the day that I put it away in the storage room.

Right when I stepped out the room I could hear crying coming from Tonya's room.

Ever since the Lester incident she hasn't been herself. She rarely ate or came out her room. The few times she did talk were when my father asked her how she was and he got the same answer everyday.


She wouldn't talk to me at all and I didn't blame her. It was my fault she lost her baby. All my fault.

I knocked on her door and after getting no reply back I slowly opened it.

There was Tonya with bloodshot eyes. She looked terrible. Her skin was getting paler than usual. Her hair looked like it hadn't been washed or cleaned for a while. All in all she looked horrible.

I walked in and sat on the edge of her bed. I didn't know what to say to her or what to do to make her not hurt so much.

"Tonya, listen, I'm sorry about everything. This is all my fault, I get it. I know loosing the baby wasn't the easiest thing ever but you've got to live, the baby would've wanted you to do that."

"Live? Did you just tell me I've got live?" She says sniffling.

She flips her hair out of her face and takes a deep breath.

"I don't blame you Gio, I really don't. I blame myself," she says with her voice breaking.

"T, it wasn't your fault. Don't even blame yourself. If anyone blame me but don't blame yourself. There was nothing you could've possibly done," I say firmly.

After a few moments of silence she finally speaks.

"Jay and me were so excited for this baby, now look," she says wiping a tear.

"You can still have another baby," I whisper.

"I don't want another baby, I want mine that I lost because of Lester. Why my baby?" She says her voice getting louder.

"He could've hurt me all he wanted but why'd he have to hurt my baby?" She says her voice cracking once again.

A minute passes by and it's nothing but silence.

"I'm sorry," I say not knowing what else to say. She sighs and rests her head on my shoulder.


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