Chapter 58

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I got a whole bunch of free time today & got 2 of my finals excused because I'm smart like that & because my teachers are awesome 😌🙌🏼! And so I did a small update the time that I got.

Diyah's pov:
"Hi, I'm here to see Dr. Stang," I say to the assistant who's too busy on her phone to pay me any attention.

"Hellooooo," I say banging onto the window.

"Give me a minute, someone's here being rude," she says putting down the phone and giving me an annoyed look.

This wasn't the normal assistant I had when I came here and I didn't know who she was but she was really testing my patience. I was going to hear my baby's heartbeat today and I would finally be getting sonograms. I planned on telling my family about my pregnancy today and I was a nervous wreck, I didn't need some rude women killing my vibe anymore than it was already kilt.

"Do you have an appointment today ma'am?" She asks. Her voice was irritating. Honestly, everything about this women was getting irritating. The amount of makeup she was wearing, the ugly hairstyle, her rudeness, everything.

"If you would've been listening and doing your job instead of being on the phone then maybe you would've heard me," I say giving her full on attitude.

She rolls her eyes at me and it takes everything in me not to show out my not so pretty and ladylike side to teach her a much-needed lesson.

"I'm here to see Dr. Stang."

"Okay, he'll be out for you in a minute," she says going back to her phone and shutting her window.

Calm down Diyah, you're pregnant and you shouldn't endanger your baby's well being for some worthless piece of white trash.

I find a seat next to a short plump women who looks to be halfway through her pregnancy.

"6 months," she says rubbing her belly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare," I say politely.

"Honey, everyone will begin staring at some point and you'll have to get use to it, once your past the third baby, it won't even bother you that people look," she says fanning herself with her hand.

Before I can respond back to her the door opens and Doctor Stang greets me with a warm smile.

After checking my weight, which was pretty decent and my blood pressure we walk to the back to find an available room for my check up.

"I just need you to slip on into this," he says handing me hospital clothing.

After changing into it, he comes back into the room and tells me to lay back on my back.

"This might sting a bit because of how cold it is," he says rubbing it onto my stomach.

That was an understatement, it stung a lot and it didn't help any that I didn't like the cold in general.

I begin to hear something beating from the monitor and instantly tears of joy find thief way to my eyes. That's my baby's heartbeat I was hearing. The most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

"That's the baby right there," he says pointing to my baby who looks to be the size of a peanut. It was so small and cute.

"Do you know when I can find out the gender?" I ask covering my stomach.

"Hopefully within your next few visits," he says helping me get down.

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