Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:


"Collins! For the last time, you look beautiful! Now get out here!!" My adoptive mother called for me. It's only been 3 days since we got her and she is already demanding! Haha, just kidding.

I sighed and walked out. My black hair cascading down my back, contrasting beautifully with the dark blue dress I was wearing. Right now I was getting ready for the Engagement Ball the James family was throwing.

Ok your probably confused. I'll explain.


"All 16-18 years down to the main floor, please!!" Our head mistress's voice drifted through the orphanage rooms. My parents were killed in a.... accident years ago when I was 5. So that's why I'm here, I'm 16 years old now and hoping to be adopted. I brush my hair then walk downstairs, as I was told to. On my way down my main floor, I saw my best friend, Devin, walking down the stairs. I quickly caught up with her.

"Dev, what do you think is going on?" I asked her.

She shrugged, "No clue." She replied as we finally arrived.

"Girls, I would like you to meet the James family. They are here to adopt two of you." Ms. Lydia, our head mistress, told us. I looked behind her as everyone else started squealing. I saw a family standing there, a mom, a dad, a daughter, and a son. I caught eyes with the son. The dad whispered something to the kids and the mom and they all went to a kid. Their son approached me.

"Hey," he said, "What's your name?"

"Collins, what's yours?" I asked him.

"Nathan," he said with a slight smirk.

"You'd think a pretty girl like you would have already been adopted..." He continued. I blushed at his flirting.

"Thanks.." I whispered. His dad called him back and he winked at me. Then went back to a huddle and started talking I saw him pointing at me and then they talked some more.

He smiled, then came over to announce who they were choosing. Ms. Lydia came up, "Ok kids, they have chosen who will be going home with then!" She said excitedly.

Nathan and his sister stepped up. I saw his sister wink at Chase, who is like my twin and overprotective big brother.

The girl was the first to call her pick, "Chase!" She said excitedly.

Nathan stepped up and smirked, "Collins." He said. I was sho'all my friends started yelling happily and hugged me.

He walked up to me and hugged me aswell, "Congratulations." He said.

*Flashback over*

"Fine," I said and stepped out. After they took us home they told us we were adopted to be engaged to their children. Heather, who is Nathans sister, stood there in her red gown looking beautiful.

"Omigosh! You look amazing!!" Heather told me, gushing over my dress.

"Lets go girls!" Our mom told us, ushering us it the door. We were met by Nathan and Chase.

"You look gorgeous." Nathan whispered in my ear.

"And you look handsom." I whispered back.

"Are you ready?" He asked us all. We nodded. "Then let's go!" And he led us to the limo.


That's chapter one!! Btw, as of right now, Nathan isn't played by anyone. You can imagine him as you'd like. Thanks!

Adopted for the Engagement BallWhere stories live. Discover now