Different Universe part 7

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    A/N Im suppose to be doing my homework but whatever. Heres chappy 7. This is an original part its not based in any of the chapters of Assasination Classroom.
        Nagisa's POV
        We have nothing to do today so Koro- sensei proposed a game.
          "Class since all of you are bored how about we play an assasination game"Koro-sensei said this caught everyones attention"We are gonna play spies vs agents. So the all of you are gonna pick a paper there are only 3 spies while the rest are agents. The spies' role is to eliminate the agents. While the agents role is too seek out the spies" Koro-sensei wrote at a paper cutted it into pieces then he dropped all of them in a box and shook it. He went around to let our classmates pick. I picked one and it says Spy. I faked a sigh of relief to avoid suspicion. I know Kayano is good at acting so i cant figure out what she picked.
           "So now that you all know what you are you all should keep that paper as proof" Said Koro-Sensei. This is interesting i thought.
          "So how do we eliminate people" the red head sadist spoke up
         "Simply by knocking them out" Koro-sensei said.
         We went to the woods to hide well exept for the spies cause they'll be following others. I hid in a cave and silently transformed since noone exept Kayano knew about this.
     "Hey Nagikun what do you think about keeping this transforming stuff a secret"said Kayano.
     "Sure we might use it for a surprise attack" i answered
      Flashback End~~~
     What an unfair advantage we have Kayano i thought as i slithered quietly out of the cave. I looked around trying to find a target. I saw Okuda i silently transformed back and crept behind her. I hitted her neck not to hard but enough to let her pass out.
        "OKUDA OUT!!!!" I heard Koro-Sensei shout.
         I jumped on the tree trying to find a new target. Just then i saw a green furred bunny tailing Maehara. I watch her transform and knocked Maehara out. I smirked and climb down tree."Gotcha" i said pointing at her.
            "So you're a spy too huh" i said
            "Yup treat me a pudding later okay" she said smiling
            "Fine" i said
         We went around the woods a little bit and saw our class ikemen Isogai together with Teresaka. Me and Kayano nodded and transformed quietly and went behind them. I silently hitted Teresaka and he passed out as Isogai turned around Kayano hitted him with a branch.
Shouted Koro-sensei.
        After about a hour of eliminating we 4 are the only onces left Nakamura,Karma,Kayano, and me. So one of them are a spy.
        "Ehh Nagisa what are you two doing dating?" Me and kayano heard a voice behind us. We turned towarda the source of the voice and we saw Karma.
       "WE ARE NOT DATING!!!" We both shouted.
       " Oh real-" Karma suddenly collapsed. We then saw Nakamura holding a branch.
         "Oh yeah!! Spies for the win" she shouted.
         We walked to the school where our classmates are waiting draggkng the unconsious sadist.
       "Well done spies" Koro Sensei said
       "You three were the spies!!?" Isogai said
       "Isogai do you have a marker?" I said innocently. The Ikemen nodded and gave me one. Everyone laughed as i drew at Karma's face.
        "Shhh dont tell Karma"
         Soon its already dismissal. Me and Kayano went home. Another fun day in school was done

A/N I know i already published one today. But i got bored so i began to type another one

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