Nagikae Different Universe Part 23

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A/N: Hilo//slapped I'm sorry i didnt publish internet is a biatch again so i cant so i'm sorry............ let's get started
*puts on earphones*MANSAEEE!!!
          4th day ( Thursday)
         Nagisa's POV
           While we are eating breakfast Koro-sensei said that we need to prepare a party for our last day in Paris tomorrow. So we all went out to buy some designs and Sugaya is incharge with drawing the banner together with some of our classmates. Kayano and I were assigned to buy more paint and glitters for the banner. We were joined by Sebastian and Mae cause they were assigned to buy the same things.
             "What did you two do yesterday?" Nagisa asked them.
             "We just played some video games and watched movies" Mae said "How about you two?"
             "We bought candies and tried to assassinate sensei" I said
             "So where are we gonna buy the designs and paint?" Asked Kayano.
             "Relax i know a place" Mae said and led us to a large warehouse.
           "Hopefully he's here" Mae said and opened the door.
           "Who dares enter the warehouse?" A voice said.
           "Do you really need to say that everytime i enter? Come down now Cedric (Diggory just kidding) or are you too scared" Mae said.
           "Mae?" The voice said. Then a boy dropped from above. He was around our age brown hair and dark brown eyes.
             "Nagisa too" He said smiling.
             "Oh now i remember you're the one who dyed my hair brown" I said.
             "I can dye it again if you want" he said.
             "N-no thanks." I sai backing away slightly.
             "Who are you two?" Cedric asked pointing at Kayano and Sebastian.
              "I'm Sebastian,  Mae's butler" Sebastian said.
               "And i'm Kaede Kayano" Kayano said.
               "Enough introductions Cedric can we borrow some poster paint and other stuffs?" Mae said.
               "With pleasure, follow me" he said and bowed. He walked to a door which was painted with bright colors.
            "Ladies first" he said and opened the door. The room was filled with painting and painting materials.
               "Still painting i see" Mae said.
               "Of course now which color of paint do you need?" He asked.
               "Colors of the rainbow amd some glitters too" Mae said
               "What are you all making anyway?" Asked Cedric grabbing some poster paints.
               "A banner for tomorrow" I said.
               "Sounds fun can i help?" Asked Cedric.
               "Of course maybe you could even teach our classmate" Said Mae.
Kayano looked at the paintings and took pictures.
              "Dont touch the painting on the left alright it's still not dry" Cedric warned.
              "Here that should be all" Cedric said handing over all paints in a plastic bag.
              "Okay let's goooo!!" Mae said and walked to the hotel. Once we arrived at the hotel Cedric walked over to the banner.
             "Hmm who's gonna paint?" Cedric asked. (Sugaya or Suguya?) Raised his hand.
             "Here's the paint and i'm here to help you" Cedric said and kneeled down beside him. They sat there talking about what colors they should use and etc.
              "Who's the brown haired boy?" Karasuma-sensei asked.
              "Friend if mine and dont let him see Koro-sensei" Mae asked. Kayank and I watched the painters paint in the banner. They decided to paint the Eiffel Tower and the nightsky as the background. They assumed that it'll finish before sunset and will dry up at midnight. After 2 hours of painting Karasuma-sensei called us for lunch. Koro-sensei didnt show up because Cedric was here. We all watched them detaily painted Eiffel Tower. And Cedric started painting the night sky at the background. And just as the sun was about to set their work was done. Cedric looked like he had fun.
            "Wow that was fun thank you for inviting me here. Unfortunetly i have to go back just send me a picture of the finished painting alright" Cedric said and waved goodbye. We continued decorating the place. After that we went to our respected rooms.
              "So are we going up the Eiffel Tower tomorrow?" Kayano asked as we entered our room.
              "Yeah at sunset if you want" i said.
              "Sure! I can't wait" she said and opened a bag of candy. I ate one chocolate and Kayano eyed the chocolate in my hands.
              "Do you want one?" I asked.
              "Sure" she said and popped one in her mouth. I smiled when i saw her eyes widened and chew the treat.
             "Does it tell it's ingridients?" Asked Kayano.
             "Yeah why? Wanna try making it?" I said.
             "Yup does it tell there how?" She said.
             "No need i already know how" i said. She looked at me questionly.
             "We tried remaking these chocolates when i was young" i said and smiled at the memory.   
             "And you still remember how it's done?" She said.
             "Yeah i tried remaking it alone when she was......gone but i never suceeded" I said
              "Who is she? Mae?" She asked.
              "No it's some one else special" i said smiling.
              "Your mom?" She tried again.
              "No" i said.
              "Who?" She asked
              "A very special friend of mine" i said and ate another chocolate.  
              "Special?" She said and started to blush.
              "Why are you blushing?" I asked.
              "No reason" she said.
          I wonder why?
A/N: Sorry if they're short i got lazy on the end. Maybe i'll make them kiss at the next one what do ya think :P. Anyway i need to write another one for tomorrow.
      Buh bye


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