Different Universe Part 36?

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A/N It depends on Ken if he wants to make this long or not. So if this is short dont blame me. *laughs* My sister is taunting me with pictures of AnsaKyou plush toys..........And also I'm here!......It's me Ken? No one remembered me? How could you!?


Karma's POV

It's recess time and I usually go skipping but if there's a prank then I'm staying. Especially if that prank is on a certain blunette.

Kayano is eating snacks with him. Like usual. I sometimes wonder if they're secretly dating or not. They seems so close.

Me and Nakamura are watching them from inside the classroom. We saw Kayano take out the bottle and offering them to Nagisa. He gladly accepted it not suspecting a thing. I wonder how Kayano managed to convince him?

Kayano's POV

"So what is this about again?" He asked holding the water bottle.

"I said if you managed to drink that all I will share whatever I made with you" I replied.

"So if you made a really delicious pudding you will share them with me?" He asked me again.

I nodded and he accepted my challenge. He opened the water bottle and started drinking it's content.

After finishing the drink. He settled the water bottle down on the table. He looked a lot dazed and his face flushed. He stared at me blankly as if processing if I was a unicorn or not.

"KaYaNo!! YoU hAvE a CoOl HaIr!!" He said dazed.

A certain red and blonde headed devils suddenly appeared beside me. They both have grins on their face.

"So Nagisa how you feeling today?" Nakamura asked.

"It'S oKaY!! KaYaNo WhAcKeD mE oN ThE hEaD aWhIle AgO!!!" He said his face really red.

"Oooooookay....." Nakamura said.

"What do we do with him now?" I asked.

Nagisa stood up and wobbled a bit before standing straight. Wait..... he's drunk how can he stand straight? He blinked once then twice then smiled.

"What was i doing again?"He asked.

"Are you sure you gave him the right drink---" Karma's sentence was cut off when Nagisa faceplanted the ground.

I crouched beside him checking if he's okay. He flipped his position so he is now staring at the sky.

"Uuuuhhh.....is he okay?" Nakamura asked.

"Yeah he's fine, except for the fact that he's drunk" I said

"I'M NOT DRUNK!! The only time I got drunk is when Mae forced me to drink something~" He said rolling on the ground.

"Wait what if he accidentally transformed into a snake!!??" I thought.

Looks like this won't be easier than I thought...... Nagisa stared at his hands for a while.

"Huh? Why won't it work!!!?? Why can't I turn into a snakey!!!??~" He shouted.

Karma stared at him blankly holding his phone. Nakamura on the other hand was trying not to laugh. Both of them were recording this obviously...

"I LOST MY POWWERS!!!" He shouted and rolled on the ground again.

He then stopped and stared at me blankly.....He pointed at me and pouted.

"You didn't lose your powers!!! You stole mine didn't you!!??" He shouted.

Nakamura couldn't stop it and laughed loudly. Even Karma is chuckling a bit...

"Wait..... Maybe I earned new powwers!! I better go figure it out!!!" He said and tried to stand up.

This is not going to be good...... Why did I agree to do this again?


A/N: I can't type any longer......Jem wrote more than this....and this is just half of it.....I'll have it done by tomorrow....maybe? Lemme go back to playing...

Bye? I guess?


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