Part 52

934 26 12

Jem: ....

    Karma's POV~

    "S-So what should we do?" I asked sitting down.

    Being stuck on the elevator is one thing but when it's a broken elevator! Nagisa looked at the floor number. It's 17.. that's pretty high.. I checked my phone only to see the battery dead. I groaned softly. Dammit.

    "S-So what are we gonna do now?" I asked trying not to sound nervous.

    "I-I can c-call Mae!" Okuda stuttered looking down.

    We looked at her and she brought out her phone nervously. Nagisa stood behind her and grabbed his own phone.

    "I'll call Sebastian then.." He said sounding calm.

    "H-How the hell are you not nervous Nagisa?" Isogai asked sitting down.

    "I've experienced worse." He simply stated and bit his lips lightly.

    Kataoka decided to sit beside Isogai hugging her bag tightly. They talked to each other quietly but other than that is silence.

    "Hello? Sebastian? Yeah it's me Nagisa." Nagisa said.

    *What happened I thought you were going here today?!*

    "Y-yeah about that..." Nagisa said scratching his neck lightly.

    *You got stuck in the elevator, didn't you? (I knew it!)*

    "Yeah. Help us out will you, butler?" Nagisa asked.

    I soft sigh was heard from the phone. As well as a faint sound of a girl saying "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

    *Wait there for 10 minutes, okay!?* Sebastian said and hung up.

    Nagisa sat on a corner looking calm af. Just how rich and powerful is his family!?

    Nagisa's POV

    Kayano sat beside me and yawned softly. Probably still sleepy cause of class. I moved my shoulder to her and she leaned on it slightly. Now we just have to wait for Sebastian to come.

    Karma's POV~

    Nagisa and Kayano fell asleep like nothing is happening. Nagisa still has his phone in his hands and I decided to grab it. I opened his phone and as if on cue Mae called us.

    *Hiyah Little bro!~* Mae said cheerfully.

    "Oh it's you.." I muttered.

    *Karma? Why do you have Nagisa's phone? Did you do something to him!?*  She asked worried.

    "Geez, calm down he's just asleep.... and stuck in the elevator" I replied.

    *Oh that's good...*

    "How is that good!!??" I shouted.

    *IT COULD'VE BEEN WORSE!!* She shouted back

    I sighed softly and walked to the door of the elevator slowly.

    "So... how do we get out? Sebastian said he'll help us." Isogai asked snatching the phone away from me.

    *Don't worry we got this  covered~* She said.

    I waited and a loud sound was heard on top of the elevator. D-Don't tell me they...  The roof of the elevator opened and he stared at us in relief.

    "Was I too late?" He asked.

    "Just in time" Isogai said smiling nervously.

    Sebastian lifted us up on the roof telling us to climb the rope quickly. Nagisa and Kayano, awaken cause of the sound stood in front of the ripe deciding who should go first.

    "L-Ladies first then..." Nagisa said.

    "We're wearing s-skirts, pervert!!" Kayano stuttered blushing.

    "We'll go first then!" I said holding on the rope.

    I felt two short tugs on the rope and I looked up immediately. The rope pulled me up and I bit my lips to avoid making any sounds to embarrass myself. When I reached the top Mae stood there looking at me weirdly.

    "Do you not know the saying 'ladies first?'" She said dropping the rope down again.

    Okuda was next followed by Kayano and the rest followed. Mae grabbed the paper that was sticked on the elevator.

    "Did you guys not see this? Seriously... I was worried you know!?" She scolded us.

    "Yes, Mother" I muttered.

    She smacked me on the head and gestured us to follow her. She stopped at a room the room number was 934 (Platform 9 3/4, anyone?) Nagisa went on and opened the door.

    "Let's go." He said.

    Why is he acting like being stuck in the elevator a while ago never happened?! Seriously I know he was rich but I didn't expect them to be this rich!!

    "Oh yeah dont touch anything that looks expensive alright?" Mae said.

    "What if I---"

    "Whenever you like it or else~" She said glaring at me.

    I shivered slightly and nodded. Why is she this scary!?

    "So what are we gonna do?" Sebastian asked.

    "Oh yeah! We were gonna plan for what we're gonna do for our assassination attempt" Isogai said.

    Timeskip~ (Because I can!!)

    Nagisa's POV ~

    I think we can actually did this! Sebastian seems satisfied with the result but he looks like he has something else. I sat back on the couch as Mae went to the kitchen to get us drinks. I closed my eyes. I short nap won't do any harm, right?


    I woke up with the feeling of someone hugging me. I hugged it unconsciously thinking it was a pillow. I looked down to see a green haired girl asleep. I slowly turned red and loosened the hug. She groaned softly and hugged me tighter. Now what do I do?

    "Hey Nagisa...." Mae stared at us blushing lightly "Oh... I-I'll leave you two with your business then~"

    I turned even redder and sat up still hugging her..... How do I get her home? I settled her down on the sofa and stared at her quietly....she looks cute...wait what?! I shook my head trying to erase that thought off my head.... I looked at her again shyly... I bit my lips deciding whether I should do it or not..... after what seems like ages i lowered down a bit and pressed my lips against her cheek.

    Mae's POV ~

    I giggled softly as I skipped around the corridors. Nagisa still doesn't understand his feelings. Maybe if I give them a bit of a push? They could work. Nagisa walked out of the living room carrying Kayano on his back. I giggled again and skipped to them.

    "You going home?" I asked.

    "Y-yeah..." He muttered heading to the door "Bye..!"

    I walked to the balcony waiting to see them walking home. Ugh....why can't they get together already!!?



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