Chapter 1

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(y/n) walks into the coffee shop named Anteiku, the top edge of the door hitting a bell signaling her arrival. The comforting scent of coffee wisps by her nose, killing all tension she has in her shoulders. A lady at the front counter tells her she's allowed to sit anywhere she wants and she bows toward the lady, thanking her.

She sits at one of the higher tables by the windows, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. Anteiku is a lovely little shop. There's a bookcase along the wall, a TV screen set up a bit above it. The news plays about the current events, announcing more ghoul attacks on several other wards. A bit of anxiety causes her chest to tighten.

As of lately, there's been frequent ghoul attacks. (y/n) has been fortunate enough to avoid an encounter with a ghoul, but she understands that can happen for only so long. She's scared of dying, and if she comes face to face with a ghoul willing to torture her for hours on end, bringing her to a slow's not how she wants to go.

(y/n) decides to grab herself a book. She's getting too much into her head. She runs her fingers along the leather-bound spines. The one thing she likes about reading is the escape from reality. She enjoys laying on her bed and indulging into a story whenever she gets too anxious. It's always about escaping from the cruel world, and she loves it.

Once choosing a book of her interest, she slides back into her seat and opens it. There's that satisfying crack of it opening, the pages fresh and smooth. Her mind slowly turns numb as she reads, the reporters on the TV drowning out.

The book she chose is about the murder of a young girl. She wished upon the full moon for revenge, because the reason for her death is unknown. She was tortured to death, and she woke up in a pool of her own blood. Forever is she stuck in her home until she gets justice. Anyone who is killed by her murderer ends up in her house, living in unimaginable pain.

(y/n) is reading the part of a teenage girl moving into the house with her dad when someone coughs, grabbing her attention.

"Miss? Is there anything you'd like to order?" an uneasy voice asked. She turns her focus away from the book and onto the waiter, her eyes widening.

It's the guy from the bookstore!

He wore a white, long-sleeved button up shirt with a grey/dark grey blazer. A black waist apron, and behind that apron, black slacks that run a little too long. He still wore his eye-patch over his left eye. His other one widened in recognition, cheeks turning into a light shade of pink. The guy doesn't have to say he remembers her, because the way he stutters when he asks again is enough for her.

"Oh, sorry, I'll take a cherry latte please," (y/n) smiles, nervously running her fingers in circles around her book.

"G-Got it. Anything else, miss?" he asks, eye looking everywhere except making contact with hers. She shakes her head no, and he quickly scatters off toward the back. She places a hand over her chest, feeling her heart beat rapidly.

What a coincidence the guy she met the other day happens to work here. If she knew, she never would have visited Anteiku. Not like she has anything against him, of course, but she finds him cute. A shy, tall guy—a bit scrawny—with the same passion for reading.

(y/n) plays with the corners of the book, thinking of ways to ask for his number. Her eyes went to the direction he ran off to and spotted a young girl, possibly a bit younger than her. The girl is leaning against the front counter, staring off into space. Her purple hair is styled to cover her right eye, which is beginning to make her think it's a fashion sense.

She touches her own hair, pouting. (y/n) doesn't do anything to make herself unique. Aside from the once a week skin care routine, she's as bland as flour.

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