Chapter 21

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The house was silent. No one was inside. (y/n) figured that they all went on a mission, so she laid in bed, reading a book. For some reason, the night seemed a little bit off. She really didn't understand why she felt this way. In fact, she didn't even right. There was worry gnawing in her stomach and all she wanted to do was go check on everyone to make sure they were all right, but she didn't know where they were. Kaneki never tells her where they go to, so she just has to wait at home all clueless. Sighing, she rolled around to lay on her stomach, turning the page to her book. All she wanted was for them to come back home so she could cuddle with her Cuddle Bear.

The silence of the house was actually irritating. Groaning, she threw herself off of the bed and walked over to the window. It just started snowing. Sadness loomed over her. Placing her hand on the window, she could feel tears threatening to spill. Why was she feeling this way? This was weird and she didn't understand. The agonizing feeling of heartbreak poured into her heart, her throat tightening up. It feels as though she was breathing but drowning at the same time. This was how sorrow was. Shaking her head, she rushed towards the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. Without hesitating she poured the cool liquid down her throat, feeling herself cool down. Putting the glass down in the sink, she wiped her mouth, gasping for air. Thoughts began lingering into her mind.

What if Kaneki was dead? (y/n) grabbed her hair and pulled at it, groaning. Why is she thinking of such horrible things? This has to stop. She needs to quit thinking this way. Rushing back to their room, she flung herself onto the bed and began reading the book. She couldn't even concentrate. Her thoughts were filling up with him. When he still had his black hair. When he would smile and laugh. Play with her. Hug her until she wanted no more hugs, but still hugged her anyway. Read books. Cuddle. Watch movies. Deal with her mood swings when she was on her period. She didn't understand why she was suddenly feeling this way. It was as if she knew something bad happened to him. Or something bad was going to happen. All her mind did was take her back to that day.

She was sitting on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and reading a book. Hinami was sleeping inside of her room, and (y/n) was waiting for everyone to come back. After a couple of hours, the door slowly swung open. Bookmarking her page, she greeted everyone with a smile, but there was a dark feeling. Banjou didn't look her in the eye and he continued to walk towards his room, his friends trailing after him. When she looked over at Kaneki, he wasn't even looking at her. He just closed the door slowly and walked to their room, dragging his feet behind him. Pursing her lips, she set her book down and followed him. The white haired male and slipped into his sleepwear and was laying on their bed, his front body facing the wall and his back facing her. Gently, she joined him. She pulled the blanket over them and she propped herself on her elbow.

(y/n) set her hand on his shoulder and he winced. Sighing, she sat up and looked at his face. She couldn't see it, so she gently moved some of his hair out of his face. Tears trickled down his pale face and he buried his face in his hands. Her heart ached. What happened. She placed a kiss on his head and laid down, hugging him and nuzzling her face against his neck.

"Kaneki, please, tell me what happened. You know you can tell me anything," she softly said. He didn't say anything. "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to."

Closing her eyes, she expected that to be the end of their 'conversation', but Kaneki turned around and hugged (y/n), burying his face into the crook of her neck. Blinking, she looked down, seeing his fuzzy white hair. He was trembling and he busted out crying, saying how he wasn't strong enough to protect everyone. How he didn't deserve anything. How she didn't deserve a monster like him. Being the kind and gentle person she was, she hugged him and let him spill his feelings out to her. He told her everything that happened when they went out on their mission and he was ashamed of himself. She was petting his head, waiting patiently for him to finish. After he was done, she told him how important he was to her. Telling him that she loves him no matter what. That her love grows for him only. Fate is cruel. Why must it torture these lovers? 

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