Chapter 16

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(y/n) stared at the sleeping male's face, her cheeks all puffed out. She was wearing one of his t-shirts and her hair was all messy. The young female adult was tired, but she wasn't able to fall asleep. The moment she had awoken, she wasn't able to fall back asleep. It was early in the morning and it was barely seven o'clock in the morning. 

She had been awake for an hour while Kaneki has been sleeping so peacefully. She hated it. The only way to kill time was to play on her phone. If she was going to be awake, then her boyfriend was going to be awake. Pursing her lips, she poked his cheek repeatedly, hoping that he would wake up. It didn't work at all. The white haired male was still sleeping peacefully.

She let out an 'hmpf' and did the same thing over again. (y/n) felt victory grow up in her when Kaneki began to move, but it was quickly smashed down when he just moved back onto his side and continued his restful slumber.

"If he thinks that he can just sleep with me awake then he is sooo wrong!" she yelled in her head. (y/n) narrowed her eyes and pinched his butt. He jolted a bit and turned back onto his back, looking at her through sleepy eyes. He mumbled something and fell back asleep. The (h/c) haired female's blood boiled in anger as her boyfriend was still sleeping. Then an idea popped into her mind. She slid on top of him carefully and watched as he breathed. 

A slight smirk appeared on her face and she crashed her lips against his. The moment her lips met his, she was instantly flipped over. Confusion swept upon the girl as she watched the male open his eyes. His grey orbs were full of tease and he just winked at her.

Kaneki grabbed her wrists and pinned it above her head as he began to smack his lips against hers. She slowly began to move in sync with him and closed her eyes. The moment they shut he pulled up. A small whimper accidentally escaped her mouth as she threw her eyes open. A small smirk was on the teasing male's face.

"You woke me up, I might as well give you a punishment," he said. Heat crept up to her cheeks as he lowered himself. Her eyes were fixated on his rosy colored lips as they were getting closer and closer to her. (y/n) prepared herself to have a heated make out session, but instead he just plopped himself down on her.

"Oof! K-Kaneki! G-Get off of me!" she squealed, trying to push her boyfriend off of her. He only nuzzled himself into her neck and let go of her wrists. She was trying her very best to get Kaneki off of her, but he was too heavy.

"No, this is your punishment for waking me up. I'm a very light sleeper and I don't appreciate being poked awake," he yawned. He grabbed their blanket and covered themselves up. 

"I'm s-sorry! I won't do that again! Just please! G-Get off and cuddle me!" she managed to say, dropping her arms down. Suddenly, she felt something move onto her breast and was given a hard squeeze. (y/n) let out a squeak. He pulled himself up and stared into her eyes.

"Are you sure you want to cuddle? Or do you want to have some fun?" he purred into her ear. Her face flashed a thousand shades of red and she let out another squeak.

"C-Cuddles!" Kaneki chuckled and placed a few kisses along her jawline. He only nodded and laid down next to her. (y/n) was about to snuggle up to him, but he only put her on her side, her back against him and wrapped his arm around her. He began to place gentle kisses on her neck, his snow white hair brushing against her ear. (y/n) shivered a bit, a small giggle coming out of her.

"I'm so lucky to be with you," he whispered, placing a couple of kisses on her soft, sweet lips and then buried his face into her neck. She smiled and placed a hand over his.

"And I'm lucky to be with you my Cuddle Bear," (y/n) whispered back, chuckling as he traced his lips across her neck. Kaneki's grey orbs looked over at her smiling face and smiled against her soft skin. He admired how her cheeks looked so rosy and how it blended in well with her skin tone. Her loving lips curving into a smile he loved so much. Her eyes full of love making him want to see more of it. He wanted to show her all of his love.

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