Chapter 6

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(y/n) wrapped the towel around her dripping wet body, making sure it won't fall off. She left the bathroom and sat on her bed, grabbing her phone and checking it. There were a few notifications from games. That was all. She cleared that and set her phone back down, laying down on her bed. Last week she had to clear her locker out of the library. After what happened, the place was being shut down and the books are being donated to the orphanage she was at. She was jobless. 

When she gets ready, she was going to look around for a job and possibly try to get a job at Anteiku. Kaneki had told her it was only ghouls who the place, but she was wanting to know if she was able to as well. Ghouls shouldn't be the only people that should work at the cafe. Besides, she gotten to know all them. There was a little girl named Fueguchi Hinami who had recently lost her mother, and they gotten a new worker. His name was Nishio Nishiki, and he was dating Nishino Kimi.

She was shocked to hear that Kimi was human and was dating Nishiki, who was a ghoul. When Kaneki told her that Kimi knew what Nishiki was, (y/n)'s heart just melted. She thought that was so sweet and romantic. She was also told to not let anyone at the cafe know that she knows that they're ghouls. He said that Touka tried killing Kimi when she knew about them, and he doesn't want that to happen to (y/n). 

Her and Touka are good friends, so she doubts that she would try to do that. Sighing, she sat up, stretching out her arms. If she wanted to get a job there, then she would have to talk to the manager. He might have a friendly appearance, but Kaneki said that he can be scary at times, so she would need to talk to him carefully.

(y/n) got off of her bed and went to get some clothes on. They were just regular, nice clothes, but her jacket was a kitty jacket. She could not go out in public without showing her affection for cats. She brushed her hair and put it up in a messy bun, letting some strands of her hair fall loosely around her face. Hopefully the manger will let her work there. 

Slipping on her boots and purse, she leaves her apartment, heading towards Anteiku. She really needs a job soon, because (best friend's name) wants to give her money, but she keeps on declining. She doesn't want to depend on anyone for help, but if it comes to a point when she needs to, then she will. For right now, she just wants to get a job so she can pay for herself.

That man, Tsukiyama, hasn't appeared and bothered her in a while. She doesn't mind, of course, but she finds it strange. He seems like a persistent person. She probably thought that he'd given up on chasing after her, wanting to eat her or Kaneki. Then she stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. He did talk about Kaneki and how his aroma just allures him. Has he tried eating him before? (y/n) shook her head. That'd be cannibalism among ghouls. 

She started walking again, deciding that he would never do such a thing to her boyfriend. Now that she was thinking about him, she never thought of the Tsukiyama family to be ghouls, but then again, she never thought of Kaneki being a ghoul and look what she found out. But he's only half, which means he lives in both worlds in one. That actually was interesting to (y/n). She wondered what it was like to live in both worlds. She then chuckled.

She's getting to know and found out that the people she knows are ghouls and she's dating one. Well, half ghoul to be exact. She's sort of living in both worlds, but mostly in the human world rather than the ghoul world. When she had watched Kaneki break down two weeks ago, it really broke her heart and made her feel guilty. She had never expected him to be half, but when he explained to her what happened, she seemed to understand. But she still felt guilty for just confronting him about it. 

She should have waited until she and Kaneki were in a more serious relationship. She still needs to discuss with him about changing her Facebook status from 'single as a pringle' to 'in a relationship'. That would be a conversation to have with him. A small blush dusted her face when she remembered what her and Kaneki did Saturday. They cuddled, wrestled, and he tickled her. They didn't even watch the movie they planned on watching.

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