Chapter 18: The Prefecture Border

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On a high mountain top stood a small figure, barely one and a half meter tall, wrapped in multiple layers of dark cloaks. Despite the season being well into summer, the snow still lay thick at these altitudes and the hard wind caused snow to whirl around the figure, stabbing at the small patches of skin the layers didn't manager to cover.

The area was desolate of any living creatures - except for the small figure, whom was staring down the mountain pass. Further down, where the air was milder and the snow held no sway, a small town could be observed, nestled deep in the valley.

It was the border town, called Nightingale Gate, that efficiently blocked the entrance to the only safe land-crossing between the Nightingale Prefecture and Rock Wren Prefecture. It had a mirror town on the other side of the passage, called Rock Wren Gate, and if you were making your journey on foot, you had no other choice but to pass through both towns.

The small figure lifted its head and gazed out over the mountain ranges on either side of the town. Their steep mountain walls stretched relentlessly towards the sky - one range running north, the other south - and practically no vegetation managed to grow on them.

Suddenly, an unusually strong wind swept over the snow covered mountain top, grabbing hold of the cloaks worn by the lone figure. As the fabric flapped violently in the wind, the pearly-white face of a youth was revealed.

The face was cold and stoic but nonetheless very beautiful. It was quite a feminine face, but the actual gender of the youth was hard to determine; by looks alone it would be female, but there was something about it that made you doubt your eyes. Perhaps it was a mirage brought on by the youth's tender age, or perhaps, it was the two dark-red eyes that seemed too cold, too harsh, to belong to a girl. Or a child for that matter. Shivering, the youth collected the escaped fabric again.

"It would seem like we really have no choice but to pass through the two gate towns... " The voice of Raven sounded slightly displeased as it disappeared into the heavy wind.

"Are you worried you'll be recognized?" within her head, Raven heard her brother's question as clearly as if he was standing next to her.

"No, but I will have to pay the toll to pass through, and even if it isn't a lot of money, it might be enough to draw attention - the border towns are rough places..."

The border towns were located far from any other cities and even if the were officially run by the two prefectures, many bandits and mercenaries were drawn there to take advantage of those who were too poor to fly, but still rich enough to travel.

The two groups worked in an odd symbiosis - the bandits would rob people, who in turn would hire mercenaries to protect them. The mercenaries knew they wouldn't be needed if not for the bandits so they usually went easy on the robbers and settled for scaring them off.

"I will have to find some cover if I'm to pass through inconspicuously..."

With a last glance over the mountains, Raven turned and started to walk the winding descent down towards the valley; even if the first town was visible from were Raven stood, it would take nearly four days to get there.


Disbelieving, Raven stared up at the huge walls that surrounded the first border town. There, right above the entrance - carved into stone that was slightly lighter than the surrounding stone, clearly, due to a resent remodeling - were three words: Black Talon Gate.

Raven stood by the side of the road without moving, seemingly more deep frozen than she had been up on the icy mountain top.

'I knew they would change the name of the prefecture, but to do it so quickly and thoroughly...'

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