Chapter 33: Admittance

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The men in the room looked at Raven with mixed expressions, varying from pity to admiration, but Headmaster Swan seemed mostly determined.

"Very well, Junior Night, here is your curriculum for your first semester," he lifted of a piece of paper from his desk and handed it to Raven, "it might be a bit tough for you, at first, but I think you have the strength for it."

Raven looked down on the paper and rejoiced; at the top was her name next to the number 95-01, followed by:

Morning Class: Battle Strategy - 1st level

Noon Recess

Afternoon Class: Spirit Control - 4th level

Evening Class: Advanced Classes - mixed

"You made it?" asked Hoatzin and flew back to Raven's shoulder to look at the paper in her hand.

"I made it." she said happily to her brother but outwardly she looked up at the headmaster with a confused look.

"I guess you wouldn't know about it," Swan's smile had grown a bit more relaxed now, "well, Elder Kagu can explain on the way to your dorms."

The headmaster was about to send Raven of when he remembered something, "Oh, and if you feel up to it, the Emperor has invited you to attend a banquet this evening. It's normally for children from the noble clans who have been accepted into the school but he wanted to make an exception for you."

"If you want to go, tell your roommate and he will bring you. He will also be attending."

"Who is my roommate?" Raven wanted to ask but it wasn't something Raven Night would care about so she said nothing as she once more followed Elder Kagu out.

Hog hesitated, "um, respectable Headmaster Swan, the school fee . . ."

"Raven's studies will be paid for by the Academy, mister Hog," answered the vice headmaster matter-of-factly before Hog could finish his question. Hog bowed deeply and quickly exited the room, drawing a deep breath of relief once outside; he might not have Raven's sharp senses but his instincts still warned him of how much strength had been gathered in that room.

Raven and Hog said goodbye and Raven promised to head over to the earlier mentioned tavern later that night, but Hog recommended a visit to the Emperor's banquet first; "it's not every day you have an opportunity to see the Indigo Cloud Palace up close," he said.

The encouragement was unnecessary though; Raven would certainly not give up the opportunity to snoop around at the Palace, even if it meant taking the risk of being recognized by one of the noble clans. At least, not considering the current situation where the Empress had been accused of treason.

"Well then," said Elder Kagu as he and Raven walked away from the headmaster's room, "I take it your schedule confused you, junior Raven.

"Yes, Elder Kagu, it did." This was of course a lie but she would let him explain anyway.

"Normally, students have two classes per day - apart from the time spent in self cultivation. The class in the morning consists of various lectures and practical activities endeavoring to teach you all you need to know once you graduate. Everything from how to lead an army or working as an official to how to effectively attack or defend as a group. These morning lectures will continue for the entire ten years you study at Sky Academy and no skipping is allowed."

Raven nodded as the elder spoke.

"The afternoon class is instead focused on increasing your understanding and control of your spirit essence. After your display this morning and the headmaster's inspection earlier, it is clear that putting you with the first year students for this class would be a waste. Therefore, you have been moved to the level for the forth year students instead," Elder Kagu glanced down at Raven, "I'm not sure that you will manage to follow their pace, but give it a try and if it doesn't work we can move you down a step."

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