Chapter 51: The Plot Thickens

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Raven watched the red-headed Lark, and his handful of flowers, disappear between the white, wooden buildings of the southern peak and sighed. "Daffodils, huh?" she muttered.

"Did you say something, sister?" asked Hoatzin, who once more sat perched on her shoulder.

"Nothing of importance," she replied and started walking towards the houses where the Elders lived.

"Weren't you going to ask Lark why he was acting weirdly today?" Hoatzin was surprised that his sister had let the twin leave so easily.

"I don't think I need to anymore. . . ." was her only remark and no matter how Hoatzin pried, Raven would say no more on the subject.

It didn't take long before Raven reached the Elders' dormitory, located on the far southern side of the mountain peak. As she approached the building a lopsided smile surfaced on her face for a moment, before being suppressed back to her normal cold expression. She had noticed that on the other side of the dorm gates waited a familiar presence, who seemed on the verge of pacing. When the sound of Raven's footsteps reached him, he stirred and briskly moved to open the gates.

However, Raven was closer to the gate doors than the person expected, so he was forced to jump back a few steps in order to avoid banging into her.

"Greetings, Elder Willow," said Raven with a courteous bow.

"Junior Night?" Willow's disappointment wasn't very well hidden as he looked around outside expectantly. "Is it only you today?"

"Yes, Elder Willow, only me." Raven's eyes locked onto the young man. "Elder Willow must be really eager to see those daffodils. . . ."

"Huh? Ah, yes! They are great for medical brews, after all."

"And poisonous ones too," thought Raven to her brother. Outwardly she simply grunted, seemingly unconvinced. "M-hmm. . . Unfortunately, there was a small incident on the way here, so Lark had to head back to his dorms." Consern filled the Elder's face so Raven quickly added, "Lark is fine, but the plants require a new pot."

"I see. . . ." Willow seemed relieved, yet disappointed at the same time.

Both were silent for a while, before Raven cleared her throat.

"I've heard that it can take up to seven years for Frost Bell Daffodils to mature completely." Her blood-red eyes suddenly turned very serious as her intense gaze drilled into those dazzlingly green eyes of his. "Surely, Elder Willow would never attempt to harvest anything before it matures, lest it might turn . . . poisonous."

Momentarily the young elder was completely stunned. He first looked confused, then shocked - and somewhat scared - but eventually he sobered and met Raven's gaze with matching intensity. "I wouldn't dream of it."

With that, the serious flare in Raven's eyes died down and she bowed deeply. "This junior apologizes! Naturally, a teenage genius-teacher like Elder Willow already knows about this. Please forgive this one's insolence!"

Now Willow looked confused again, and slightly disturbed too. He reached out a hand to force Raven up-right again. "Please Junior Night, no need to be so formal out of class - I'm not that much older than you. . . ."

"I'm six."

Willow's otherwise ivory face turned cherry blossom pink. "Haha, of course - I forgot. You really don't look your age, Junior Night," he laughed nervously and looked around again. "Um, may I help you with something?"

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