Chapter 2

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A new house a new home (well atleast for a little while). Alicia thought that she would be used to it by now but she missed home, she missed Matt, heck she even missed school.

Alycias thought got interrupted by her mum Madison
-Yes Mum
-We are going out I want you to stay inside and watch Nick.
After a while Alicia and Nick started to get bored
-Al I don't wanna stay here, I am going out
-Nick are you crazy...
Before Alicia could finish her sentence she watched her older brother leave threw the door. She sighed and decided to follow him.

The sound of yet another walker getting killed. Elyza had rode her motorcycle to a new town.
Her old town had gotten boring, no zombies to kill, and who wanted to stay in a town where here only friends where the rat in the sewers?

A scream and a growl made Elyza wake up from her day dreaming. She quickly took her motorcycle and rode to where she heard the sound. A girl was trapped with a Walker walking slowly towards her.

Alicia had now idea how she had gotten in to this position. Here she was again about to get bitten by a Walker. Last time it had been their old neighbour Susan trying to turn it now it was an old man she didn't even know.

Pang the man's head dissappeared in a splash
A girl on a motorcycle stopped before hopping of her motorcycle and taking of her helmet.

-Thank you for saving me Alicia said to the woman she didn't know
-No problem cutie next time don't go out alone...names Elyza by the way Elyza...Elyza Lex.
The feeling of Deja Vu hit Alicia but she decided to shake it off..
-Nice to meet you Elyza my name is Alicia, Alicia Clark

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