Chapter 11

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AN: this will be a short chapter but I promise chapter 12 and 13 will be longer also putting a TRIGGER WARNING on this

Alicias Pov
We both sat in the cafe looking at a map we found in the cafe.

- I think we should start driving towards  countryside less walkers there Elyza said

so that was what we planned on doing driving to countryside Illinois.

"I've seen the world
done it all
had my cake now
diamonds, brilliant
and Bel Air now
hot summer nights, mid July
when you and I where forever wild
the crazy days, city lights
the way you play me like a child"

Elyza's Pov
We both sat in the car driving while listening to my Lana Del Rey spotify on Alicias iPhone.

Suddenly they weren't lonely on the road anymore a red Volvo came speeding toward them, seconds before colliding the red Volvo skidded and collided into a tree.

Elyzas Pov (still)
We stopped the car as fast as we could and jumped out. Me and Alycia both ran to the carwreck. With alot of force and effort we got the passenger seat open. A woman and a man sat in the front seat they weren't breathing. What chocked me the most was the one year old child sitting in the backseat, she had some bruises on her body and a nosebleed rather then that she were fine, I picked her up together with the car seat and handed her to Alicia.

- Take her to the car I am going to see if they have anything we need in the trunk of the car.

Alicia quickly took the 1 year old child back to the green BMW that we were driving.

I opened the trunk, and looked outside, inside a purple bag I found different kind of child clothes, diapers and a torn stuffed elephant, I picked the bag up before getting back to the car.
The little girl were buckled up in her chair, silent tears she was crying loudly. I gave her the elephant and she quited down.

Now we had a dog and a baby in the car.

AN: happy easter btw 🐤🐥

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