Chapter 12

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Alicias Pov
It felt weird driving while having a child in the car. Most of all it felt weird driving a car with a child who didn't have a name

- We need to give her a name

Elyza looked at me confused

- What who, the dog, the dog already got a name her's name is Telkla.

- No stupid there is a child in the backseat we need to give the child in the backseat a name

- Oh your right

We both sat back thinking while driving towards countryside Illinois.

- What about Lana? Elyza asked
- Elyza we are not naming the child after your favorite artist.
- What about Taylor? I asked
- Alicia if I can't name her after Lana Del Rey you can't name her after Taylor Swift. 
- What about Amia? Elyza asked
- Amia? I looked at Elyza confused
- It means beloved. Elyza said
- I love it. Alicia said

We both kept on driving while listening to our different spotify playlists, Elyza suddenly stopped the car
- Why did you stop I asked
- It's getting really dark and we are both tired, I know it sounds weird but we have to sleep in the car for the night.

2 days later
Alicias Pov
It's been about 2 days since we all slept in the car, and we were slowly making our way towards countryside Illinois. Of course we would have gotten to countryside Illinois faster if we didn't have a child in the backseat. But I honestly wouldn't change anything at all. Amia was an amazing child, she rarely cried, she would clap her hands excitedly everytime we played my Disney spotify playlist. The funniest thing was watching Elyza interact with her.

" look for the bare necessities
the simple bare necessities
forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
Old nature mother recipes
That brings the bare necessities of life.

AN: the child in the picture is me, I didn't want to have a picture on someones else's child.

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