Chapter 4

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Alicia woke up for once feeling like she had gotten enough sleep, having Elyza calm her down after the nightmare had really helped her.
Soon she heard the front door open and close and Elyza stepped into the house van with a paper bag in her arm.

-I got us breakfast
Elyza said tossing the brown paper bag towards Alicia. Alicia smiled when she opened the bag and saw two avocado toasts laying in the bag, she quickly grabbed one before starting chewing

Elyzas Pov
I drove while Alicia was giving hwe directions towards the house she was staying in with her family and friends. After Alicia told me about the dream I felt somewhat closer to Alicia and didn't want to leave like I usually had planned to do.

-There, there it is Alicia said pointing at a small white house.

Elyza parked the motorcycle and watched Alicia sprint towards the house knocking on the door way before getting attacked with hugs..
Alicias Pov
As soon as the door was opened I was attacked with hugs
-honey are you okay
my mum asked me hugging me with tears in her face.
-yes mum I am fine, I had help I said turning my head and watching Elyza on her way to leave

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