Chapter 6

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Elyza Pov
Elyza woke up feeling well rested this was for the first time in a long while that she got more then 4 hours of sleep. After doing her morning routines she went down and joined the other people in the kitchen, this was the first time she would get an real introduction and the peoples names.

As soon as Elyza went downstairs Alicia grabbed her arm once again and introduced her to the people in the kitchen.

- This is Elyza she is the one who saved me from a zombie

- Elyza this is Madison my mum (Alicia pointed at the woman who yesterday had shown her where the bathroom was)

- Next to my mum is Travis my mums boyfriend

- The boy who really needs a shower is my brother Nick.
- The girl sitting next to Nick is one of the great friends I got to meet during this journey Ofelia
- And the boy with the Camera is Travis son Christopher and my half-brother.

After an introduction and an common breakfast it was time to take care of the choirs for the day.

Elyza and Alicia got the assignment to gather some food since the fridge was almost empty.


Alicias Pov

After an hour of searching for a place to find food and without walkers we finally found a little supermarket store. It wasn't big and we could easily run to eachother if the other person needed help.


Elyzas Pov
Elyza was just about to put the bread in the bag they bought when she heard a loud thump, a growl and a scream for help


An: Check out TaySwiftFrozenOUAT lexark story surviving or living it is a really good story

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