Chapter 5

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Elyzas Pov
Elyza wait, Elyza turned around watching Alicia run and catching up with her.
-You don't have to go away, please stay with us Elyza
Elyza thought for a moment sure she would like to stay but she didn't want to be a burden for people.
-I would love to stay but...
-No buts your staying...
-Sure whatever you say buttercup.
Elyza watched Alicia cheeks turn a a little bit pink and a giggle escaped Alicias lips.

Madisons Pov
Watching my daughter talking to the girl who saved her warmed my heart. When Alicia and Nick dad died in the car accident Alicia had gotten depressed, she had spent hours locked into her room, she had lost alot of wait due to not eating, then Matt came along he helped her, he put a smile on her face, then Matt got sick and I had watched Alicia slowly going depressed again, but I knew I knew that this new girl that had saved Alicia could help Alicia not falling back into depression.

- Sure she can stay...

Alicias Pov

I squaled then I heard my mum saying the four words.

- Did you here that Elyza you can stay

I quickly grabbed Elyzas arm and dragged her with me to my room, the room that now would be our room.

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