Chapter 7

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Alicias Pov
I should have known we weren't alone in the store, I should have looked around the store twice. The walker where getting closer and closer when it suddenly got ripped of my body. It all happened so fast Elyza grabbing the Walker and getting it of me, a bite and then a splatter of blood...

Alicia quickly grabbed Elyza and leaved the store, the zombie was dead but had sank it's teeth into Elyza before dying. Alicia couldn't bring Elyza back she didn't want Elyza facing the same fate as Lisa Christopher mum. Alicia didn't want Elyza  to face the same fate as Matt..

... 3 Days later.

Elyza woke up with a groan, her shoulder ached and she had a massive headache. Elyza looked around and noticed something familiar, they were back in the housevan but what the fuck was she doing here?

- Alicia?

Alicias Pov
Alicia couldn't believe what she was hearing, a small and quite voice asking for her. She quickly left the bathroom, and ran to the red sofa where Elyza had been lying in fever for the last few days, she ran to the bed and hugged her crying..

- You're okay, you're okay

AN: Thank you guys for all the reads and votes and nice comments. Love you guys- Evita

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