Chapter 13

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Elyzas Pov
Elyza woke up instantly when she heard a child scream.
Atleast 30 walkers where surrounding the car and tried to get in. In the backseat Elyza could see Amia crying and Tekla growling and showing off her teeth, trying to protect Amia from the walkers. Elyza instantly started the car and drove as fast as she could making the some walkers fly a couple of meters. The fast start made Alicia's head bump back into her seat and wake up.

- What happend? Alicia said while rubbing the back of her head.

- Walkers tried to shake them off, sorry that I woke you up in such a rude way.

After riding a couple of miles shaking the walkers of. Elyza stopped the car and went out picking the still crying Amia up in her arms and rocking her while singing

"Echoes start as a cross in you
Trembling noises that comes to soon
Spatal movement which seems to you..

Alicias Pov
I had never heard Elyza sing and her voice was honestly beautiful. It was husky and raspy at the same time.

- Why are you staring at me
Elyza asked looking at me confused

- It's just your voice

- What's wrong with my voice Elyza asked sounding insecure

- Nothing it's beautiful your beautiful I said leaning up to her and giving her a kiss.

We decided to stay and eat lunch before getting back into the car, so we finally could reach or destination
"countryside Illinois"

AN: I know I said 15 chapters but next chapter will be the last, I kinda want to start on the sequel which btw is going to be called It's a mad world

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