Chapter 3.

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It started to get darker and darker the two women rode on the motorcycle trying to find their way back to Alicias house but it was almost impossible considering the darkness surrounding them. The motorcycle started going slower and slower and suddenly coming to a stop

-Elyza why the fuck are you stopping, I need to get home, I need to see if my brother is okay. Alicia shouted feeling irritated that Elyza stopped the motorcycle. 

- It's getting dark, and we have no idea where we are, I know you want to find your brother but...

- You do not understand Elyza, he is my brother I can't just leave him alone in the dark with the walkers. 

- Suit yourself, but I am finding a place to sleep for the night, if you want to find your brother alone, that's fine with me, but do not think I will save you from a walker again. 

Alicia sighed she new Elyza was right, only an idiot would look for people in the dark, while walkers wander around them. 


Elyzas Pov

I watched Alicia sleep on the red couch in the house van, before turning my own light off, and going to sleep on the floor..when I was just about to close my eyes, I heard a whimper coming from Alicia, she was tossing around on the couch and getting tangled into the yellow blanket. 

- Hey Alicia it's okay, it's okay. 

Alicia woke up starring into Elyza's eyes

- It was just a dream, Elyza said trying to calm down Alicia. 

Elyza remembered her own mothers words " if you have a nightmare tell people, it will make the monsters inside your head dissaperar. 

- Do you want to talk about it?

Alicia sighed before opening up her mouth...

- I had this dream before, but the dreams take place in a different world, and I am in it, but I look different, I am not dressed in jeans and plaid like I usually am, I am dressed in armor instead, and there is a bald man in the dream, he shoots me and later asks me for forgivness, but the weirdest part is the girl, the blonde girl I feel so strongly connected to but I can never see her face...

Thoughts started to run around Elyzas mind, Alicias nightmare sounded alot like her own, but that was just a coincident right?

AN: I made my first Clexa and Hollstein videos on youtube so feel free to watch them

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