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I sighed as I approached my English class. 

"Please don't be a douche, please don't be a douche" I muttered to myself. I really need a normal teacher. 

I looked around and it seemed as if the teacher wasn't here yet. I went to go find a place to sit down when I heard a thick Australian accent shout "Hey Kurt Cobain girl! Over here!" 

And sure enough, it was that hot boy with the lip ring. And his two friends who were quite attractive as well. 

"Kurt Cobain girl Luke? Really? Sweetheart what's your name?" a boy with really wild curly hair asked me, flashing a flirty smile. 

"Sweetheart Ashton? Really?" the other boy mocked him playfully. 

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm Melina."

"I'm Ashton, that's Luke, and that's Calum." Ashton pointed out and I smiled slightly. I'm always so awkward with new people. 

"And sorry to burst your bubble Melina but Michael is not in this class." Luke said to me with a wink. 

"Oh come on how does Michael already have dibs on her?" Ashton shouted as if I wasn't even there. Nice.

"Michael does not have dibs on me." I spoke rather coldly. Mr Armstrong's words kept replaying in my head. I shouldn't be so surprised I guess. I even told myself that Michael was a player. Maybe Mr Armstrong was lying? Why would he lie about that? More importantly, why do I even care?

I was ripped from my thoughts when the door of the classroom swung open. 

In walked in two guys. One had bleached hair and quite a bunch of tattoos and the other had brown hair and was wearing.. a fedora?

"See Patrick I told you you left your book in here again!" the blonde one spoke, sounding exhausted. 

"Huh, I guess you were right. Thanks Pete." and just like that, fedora man also now known as Patrick was gone. 

"Oh uh hello class. Sorry about that. Now if you could please take out your Twelfth Night books and read the next act quietly." Mr Wentz spoke. His eyes scanned the room and met mine before he dug into his laptop bag for a copy for me, I assumed.

"Hey Juliet," Ashton leaned forward and whispered in my ear, making me turn around. "wanna come get cozy with your Romeo and read some Shakespeare?" he asked with a wink.

I let out a snort at his corniness. "Does that one ever work for you?" I asked with a smirk.

"I don't know, that's the first time I've ever tried that one." he shrugged.

"Well don't I feel special" we both let out a laugh at this. Luke was giving us a sideways glance which made me look at him funny. What was up with him?

"Mr Irwin, I hope you are not giving the new girl a hard time" Mr Wentz spoke up as he stood in front of my desk. 

"I would never give Miss Garcia a hard time" Ashton smirked at me, making me roll my eyes playfully. 

Mr Wentz chuckled at this. "Right, very believable Ashton. Anyway, Melina, this is for you. I just need you to read the first two acts and then answer the questions on this sheet here." he spoke and handed me my book and papers. 

"Okay, thanks Mr Wentz" I smiled at him thankfully. 

- -

It was now the end of the day and I was exhausted. I was walking towards my locker and I had run into the Devil himself. 

Mr Armstrong.

I had completely forgot that now I have detention. 

"Miss Garcia, surely you haven't forgotten about your detention." Mr Armstrong spoke, still sounding cold. 

"You mean our little date? Of course not Mr Armstrong" I spoke sarcastically. 

Mr Armstrong looked a little taken back by what I said and looked around to make sure no one was looking at us. "Just get to my class, would you?" he huffed out, making me laugh slightly. I walked down the hall and into his class room, Mr Armstrong right behind me. 

He closed the door behind us and I swear I heard him lock it, which confused the hell out of me. 

I shrugged it off and sat down at an empty desk right in front of Mr Armstrong's desk. He smirked at this and sat down at his desk. He took out a comic book and propped his feet up on his desk. I decided to mimic him by putting my headphones in my ears and propped my feet up on my desk.

This did not go unnoticed by Mr Armstrong though.

"And what do you think you're doing?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. 

"Listening to The Doors?" I replied with a questioning tone. I swear his eyes lit up at my answer.

"You can't listen to music in detention."  he stated, but it didn't sound authoritative at all.

"And why not? Don't you want to listen to it too?" I asked with a smile. And for the first time, he smiled at me. 

"I guess it wouldn't hurt" he admitted. I unplugged my headphones and blasted the music off of my phone. And for the first time I felt comfortable in the presence of Mr Armstrong. 

We sat there, him reading, me drawing, both humming along to the song playing. "Do you sing, Miss Garcia?" Mr Armstrong asked suddenly.

"Uhh, a little" I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Oh there is no way little Miss Garcia just went all shy on me." Mr Armstrong smirked at me, making me blush even more.

"My name is Melina, y'know." I huffed, trying to change the subject. 

"And my name's Billie Joe. What is your point, Miss Garcia?" Mr Armstrong asked, getting up from his desk and walked over in front of the desk I was occupying. 

"My point is stop calling me Miss Garcia, Billie Joe" I mustered up the confidence which seemed to surprise him a little.

"It's Mr Armstrong to you, Melina" he spoke authoritative to me, his face was now inches away from mine.

"Yes, sir" I purred at him, biting my lip 'innocently' in the process. 

And before I knew it, his lips were on mine. 

. . .


Hey there. So it is almost 3 in the morning and I am currently at work believe it or not. It is so dead here and I just finished up an assignment so I figured why not update? 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, you all knew this was coming ;) But let me know what you think! 

Rage & Love ~

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