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Of course just as I thought, dinner took forever. It was so uncomfortable. From the sneaky looks from Mr Armstrong, suggestive comments from my aunt, talking about school (yuck), and Michael's handing resting rather high on my thigh, I was a wreck.

"So Mel, classes are going well?" Evelyn asked, Mr Armstrong had taken her hand in his, rubbing his thumb over hers. It looked cute as hell and I wish he'd be like that with me.

Okay what the hell Melina? I felt sick and pathetic. But I had to play it cool.

"Uhm, they're fine I guess. Art's my favorite I think" I answered, picking at my salad gingerly.

"Oh you're in Calum's class aren't you? With Mr Way?" Michael added, he was trying to calm me down and I had never felt more grateful. Also I had never felt more awful. He deserved better than me.

"Yeah, I think he's my favorite teacher" I smiled brightly. That wasn't a lie either. Mr Way was so nice, funny, and adorable. I wanted to be friends with him so badly. 

"Ouch, Billie Joe you're crushing my hand!" Evelyn whined, snapping Mr Armstrong out of his trance. 

"Sorry baby" he murmured softly. When Michael wasn't looking, Mr Armstrong was glaring at me. Did that really piss him off that he wasn't my favorite teacher? God he was a little bitch.

"So uhm, dinner was nice, but we're uhm gonna leave now." I stuttered. I felt powerless underneath his stare.

"Oh okay Melina. Take your keys and phone and let me know when you're on your way home" Evelyn replied, but she didn't seem to be paying us much attention. Bless.

"Yeah sure, see ya" I replied carelessly as I got up from the table and dragged Michael out of the dining room.

"Thanks for dinner Miss Garcia!" Michael called making me snicker.

Once we were out of the house, I let out a loud sigh.

"That uncomfortable?" he asked with a smirk. I couldn't help but laugh. "Yep. You've got to agree with me though, it's weird seeing your teacher outside of school." 

"Oh definitely. Especially a teacher who is so damn weird. He kept staring at you, what was that about?" 

I felt my throat closing up and my heart beating rapidly. "I didn't notice that actually. Maybe you're just seeing things Mikey" I chuckled nervously but played it off, hoping he didn't notice how on edge I was.

"Maybe, but I don't blame him if he was checking you out. You're beautiful" he murmured, looking down at the ground now and not in my eyes. He was blushing and so was I. I leaned up to kiss him, him kissing me back instantly. God he is incredible.

And I am a whore.

. .

[Fast forward to the next day: art class]

I was struggling with my project. I was in love with the idea, but my heart wasn't in it. My brain took over my sketches and everything was a mess.

"Hey Melina, how are yo- whoa" Mr Way stopped himself as he looked over my shoulder. I felt like I was going to jump out of my seat. 

"Is there something wrong Melina?" Mr Way asked me cautiously, eyeing over my very disturbing and upsetting drawings.

"What would make you say that?" I asked. 

He let out a sigh and sat next to me. "Well you're awfully quiet today, you look paler than a ghost, and well these sketches are a little concerning"

"Well I don't have much to say today, I don't tan well, and sometimes I'm bad at drawing" 

"Please don't lie to me. I can even tell by this rough sketch of Kurt Cobain shooting Amy Winehouse is incredibly detailed" Busted. He looked at me awaiting an answer, and then his eyes scanned the page again titled 'You Know I'm No Good'. 

"I'm just having a bad day Mr Way, I'll be okay" I tried to convince him. But I didn't know when I would ever be okay. I was overthinking everything, my life was a mess, and I was messing around with my music theory teacher behind Michael's back. And what was Michael to me anyway? My boyfriend? We've kind of just been going with the flow. Is that why I haven't pushed away Mr Armstrong? FUCK.

"Earth to Melina" Mr Way snapped his fingers multiple times in my face. 

"Sorry" I blushed. 

"You seem to have a lot your mind darling. I know it's lame to be caught speaking with your teacher but you're a good kid and you can talk to me whenever you need me. I'm a pretty awesome listener, not gonna lie." he winked at me, making me laugh. 

"Thanks Mr Way, you are pretty awesome" I smiled to which he smiled back. 

Behind him I saw someone looking in to our class, staring at me. Those green eyes that I've grown to fear. They were darker than usual, he looked angry or jealous. Maybe both.

Mr Armstrong was ruining my life. 

But Melina Garcia doesn't go down without a fight.

. . .

A/N: Hey sorry here's a filler, my bad. I just, I needed to update. Sorry if this sucks.

I feel kinda better today, I have a quiz at night school tonight so hopefully I ace that shit and tomorrow I'm going to see Andy Black. It's a last minute decision but hey, I deserve to go and have fun and get out of this rut I'm in. 

Thanks again for reading and let me know what you think :)

Rage & Love ~

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