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"Michael I-" 

"I KNEW something was up," Michael cut me off harshly. "you were acting weirder than usual. At first I ignored it but as soon as I saw that hickey, I knew it! But I give you credit babe, I didn't expect you to be the type to fuck your own teacher"

I felt the color drain from my face. He made it sound horrible. I understand why he's mad. I technically cheated on him. With my much older teacher. 

"Don't talk to her like that" Billie Joe spoke up.

"Don't talk to me at all you pedophile" Michael snarled. I didn't like this Michael. He was a monster. All thanks to me. I did this. 

Good one, slut.

I let out a shaky breath. "Let's just cut right to it then. What do we have to do for you to keep quiet about this?" 

Both of them stared at me with wide eyes. Yeah I could be blunt when need be, and I was far from stupid. Well, maybe not quite but whatever.

Michael smirked at me. "You are going to be my girlfriend," his smirk faded once he looked at Billie Joe. "and you are going to switch Melina into a different music theory class. I don't need you around my girl at all." 

"I'm the only music theory teacher in the whole school, dumbass." he spat. I had to hold back a laugh. I liked sassy Billie Joe. 

"Then she will not attend a single class of yours and you'll give her the credit stating she passed your stupid class, dumbass." Michael retorted.

Oh shit.


I felt my jaw drop. I don't know what I was really expecting from Billie Joe but I wasn't really expecting him to agree so easily. He didn't put up a fight. He wouldn't even look at me. That was it. Whatever we were was history.

"Awe Mel baby, why the sad face? You didn't seriously think that he cared about you, did you?" Michael mocked me.

I felt a tear roll down my face. 

He laughed. "Oh shit you did, didn't you? Man, I don't understand girls at all." 

I felt Billie Joe looking at me, but I refused to meet his eyes. 

"You can leave now, Mr Armstrong" I spoke up. He didn't seem to miss a beat in my words, as I heard him walk away and get in his car. 

I turned around and walked into my house. I went to slam the door, but Michael's foot just caught it and he pushed his way in. 

I stared at him with wide eyes. Paranoia and fear taking over my body.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" he cooed. I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or being dead serious. 

"I-I think you should go" I stuttered. 

"And leave you all alone like this? I don't think so." Without hesitation, he picked me up and carried me bridal style up to my room. 

. . .

To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement.

Michael and I were sat in my room, watching whatever movie was on tv. I wasn't paying attention whatsoever. I was tense, as Michael had his arm around me and he ran his fingers gently through my hair. This once soothed me. Now, I was scared of him. I had no idea what was going on in his mind but I didn't think I'd like it. 

My mind kept going back to Billie Joe. I couldn't believe he just walked away so easily. Maybe Michael was right. Maybe I didn't mean a thing to him at all. 

"Why so tense babe?" Michael asked, gaining my attention.

'Gee, I wonder babe' I thought to myself.

"N-nothing" I lied. 

"Now Mel, you know I don't like it when you lie to me. Are you really going to do it again? I didn't think you were this spineless." he chuckled.

I held in a gasp. "It's just that... I don't know what you want from me" 

"I just want us to go back to normal. I'm giving you a second chance only because you did the same for me. We can pretend your affair with that creep never even happened." he explained, keeping eye contact with me the entire time. 

"Okay Michael. We can do that." I gave in. I didn't really have any other choice. Michael still had the evidence on his phone and until I could get my hands on it and get rid of it permanently I basically had to do whatever he wanted.

He smiled at me. Only I couldn't decipher if it was a real genuine one, or if he was smiling because he had gotten his way. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, and cupped my face with his hand that was previously playing with my hair. 

I was trapped and found myself slowly kissing him back. I also forced myself not to cry in the process.  

Well I guess all good things do eventually come to an end.

. . .

A/N: oh hey there.

First off, I KNOW. WTF JUST HAPPENED!? Drama. Drama happened and well, it was bound to happen guys like come on.

Secondly, I had like one of the biggest nightmares of life where I met SWMRS (ayyy) and the loml Joey looked at me funny and I figured it was just cause of my face and then he was like "you're the girl with the fucked up fanfic about my dad" aND IT WAS SO FUCKING LIFE LIKE! LIKE DAMN, KILL ME.

Thank the father, and the son, and Kurt Cobain that it was just a dream. 

Anyway, enough about me, vote and tell me how much you hated this chapter. 

Rage & Love ~

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