Chapter 11

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Hey guys. Sorry for not posting in a while, but I'm /sadly/ back from Turkey and can post more regularly ^_^

It had been a few days since the wedding. Tonks was still occasionally sick, but she just said it was a sickness bug. It was exactly lying just, not the whole truth. She needed to tell him and soon, but that day wasn't the right time for it; it was time for Harry to leave Privet Drive.

"Are you sure you're ok with doing this?" Remus asked for the umpteenth time.

"I'll be fine. And anyway, Harry is our main priority at the moment. He needs to be safe. Plus, it's too late for me to not do this now." Tonks reassured.

Remus sighed but nodded. He really didn't want Tonks doing this in case something happened to her.

"This is war Remus," he thought to himself. "Something will happen."

"Well we'd better go." Remus sighed, out loud this time. He took Tonks's hand as they quickly and quietly left the house. They Apparated as soon as they could, leaving the quiet street once again empty. The two landed near Privet Drive and went to the crowd of people who were filling into the house. Tonks entered after Mad-Eye, Remus following.

Tonks perched on top of washing machine and addressed Harry once he was done talking to Kingsley.

"Harry, guess what?" Tonks said happily, her left hand out, ring shining in the light.

"You got married!" Harry yelped, looking between Tonks and Remus with surprise.

"I'm sorry you couldn't be there Harry," Tonks said sadly. "It was very quiet."

"That's brilliant, congrat-"

"All right, all right, we'll have time for a cosy catch-up later!" Moody roared, shutting everyone up. He dropped a sack onto the floor and turned to the slightly startled Harry.

Moody explained to Harry the complications and the plan. Harry didn't like the plan at all. But he finally gave in and put a few of his hairs in the Polyjuice Potion.

"Right then, fake Potters line up over here, please." Said Moody

Hermione, Fleur, Fred, George and Ron lined up in front of the sink.

"We're short one." Remus said, counting the number of people in the line.

"Here." Hagrid grunted, lifting Mundungus by the scruff of the neck and dropped his beside Fleur, who instantly moved between Fred and George. Moody took out six little cups and poured a little of the Potion in each. Unwillingly, all six of them downed the golden liquid. Tonks and Remus found the scene very....bizarre. Seeing five of their friends -and Mundungus- faces rippling and changing, their bodies growing or shrinking. Moment later, there were six new Harry's. Fred and George looked at each other and said in unison, "Wow, we're identical!"

Tonks couldn't help but chuckled at that. And it seemed nobody cared out undressing now they were Harry. All of them ripped their clothes off without a second hesitation and got dressed in the clothes from the sack. The scene looked even stranger when they were all wearing the same clothes, took a cage with a white stuffed owl in it and a rucksack.

"Good," said Moody once the fake Harry's were ready. "The pairs will be as follows: Mundungus will be traveling with me, by broom-"

"Why'm I with you?" Grunted the Harry nearest the back door.

"Because you're the one that needs watching," Moody growled. "Arthur and Fred-"

"I'm George." Said the twin at whom Moody was pointing. "Can't you tell us apart when we're Harry?"

"Sorry George"

"I'm only yanking your wand, I'm Fred really-"

"Enough messing around!" Snarled Moody.

"He may be a great Auror, but how could he not see that one coming." Remus whispered in Tonks's ear. Tonks snickered and slapped his arm, playfully smiling.

"The other one," Moody continued. "George or Fred or whoever you are - you're with Remus."

Remus smiled reassuringly and nodded and the Harry who was looking at him.

"Miss Delacour-"

"I'm taking Fleur on a Thestral," said Bill. "She's not that fond of brooms."

Fleur walked over and stood next to Bill, going him a soppy, slavish look that the others hoped they would never ever ever see again.

"Again by Thestral will be Miss Granger and Kingsley-"

Hermione looked thrilled to know that she wasn't on a broom.

"Which leaves you and me, Ron!" Tonks said happily. "Oops." She sighed, knocking over the mug-tree as she waved at him. Thankfully, she missed the disappointed look on Ron's face at the news.

Hagrid was to take the real Harry on his bike, Sirius's old one. And with that, they left the house. Remus started walking to his assigned broom which was at the back, same with Tonks's, but stopped. He sped-walked up to Tonks and hugged her tightly.

"I'm not going to say goodbye because we'll both be fine." He said quickly. "Good luck."

"Yeah good luck." Tonks replied. "And, I love you."

"I love you too." Remus said. He gently caught her lips with his own before heading towards the broom were George was waiting for him.

"All right then," said Moody. "Everyone ready, please; I want us to all leave at exactly the same time or the whole point of the diversion's lost."

"Hold tight now Ron." Said Tonks. Remus saw the furtive and guilty look Ron gave him as he placed his hands on either side of her waist. He only smiled and shook his head before turning his attention to Moody who was near the front.

"Good luck everyone," shouted Moody. "See you all in about an hour at The Burrow. On the count of three. One..."

Tonks started to get fully into position.


Butterflies started swarming in her stomach, but there was no going back now.


The bike gave a mighty roar as it lurch forward, soon followed by the brooms and Thestrals. Tonks kicked off and followed the rest into the clouds. At first she thought she was seeing lighting, but as the colours flashed green and red, she realized it was them; Death Eaters.

"Be ready for a fight R-Harry!" She yelled over her shoulder. She couldn't see his face, but his arms snaked around her waist in a hug, and he was shaking. Almost as soon as they broke through the clouds, spells flew all around and at them, but Tonks was ready. Ron had also had his wand ready, but he was frozen with fright. Green light just missed Tonks's face as she swerved away from an oncoming Death Eater. She retaliated with her own Curse, but again missed. Her hair was getting in her face and eyes, obstructing her vision, so he made her hair very very short and not distracting.

"You have to help as well R-Harry!" Tonks yelled over the wind as four Death Eaters targeted them. Tonks stunned two, froze one and Ron hexed the other.

The two of them were doing pretty well, but they started to lag behind when a certain group of Death Eater targeted them.

The green light from The Killing Curse flashed dangerously close to them. Tonks dodged them and sent her own Curses, but them she saw who was targeting them. Her deranged Bellatrix, her not so deranged husband Roldolphus and two others she didn't recognize. Tonks instantly stunned one of the others and was about to do the same to the other but Ron stunned him, as the Death Eater tried to hide behind Bellatrix. Bellatrix snarled before sending more Killing Curses at them.

"CRUCIO!" Tonks yelled, wand pointed at Roldolphus. The Curse instantly took effect on him. He started screaming in pain and shaking as he tried desperately tried to hand on. Bellatrix's rapid spell fire faltered when she heard the screaming, but she soon regained her concentration. Tonks lifted the curse and Roldolphus started to regain control, but before he was attacked again.

"Incendio!" Ron yelled.

"Furnunculus!" Tonks yelled at the same time.

Roldolphus only just dodged Ron's fire, but got hit by Tonks's hex. His fingers completely covered with boils that he couldn't hold onto his broom anymore. And so, he fell. Bellatrix sent her last few deadly Curses and spells before going to save her husband.

Tonks lowered the front of her broom and they were heading towards safety they could get attacked again.

"Well done Ron, you were brilliant." Tonks yelled over the wind. "Let's hope we don't miss our Portkey."

It was only a few more tense minutes before Ron's Aunt Muriel's house came into view.

"Brace yourself." Tonks warned as the muddy and rocky ground came up to meet them. They cried out loudly as they landed heavily on the ground, falling off and over the rocks, cutting and grazing their skin. Aunt Muriel must have heard them as she came running out of the house, wand aimed at them. But when she saw the state they were in, she helped them up and ushered them inside, muttering under her breath. Ron still looked like Harry, but he had Ron's terrified expression.

"Thank goodness you're alright." Muriel said once the two were inside and sitting down. "But you just missed your Portkey. What happened?"

"Death Eaters." Tonks sighed. "They knew we were moving Harry tonight. They ambushed from the start. It was....unforgiving."

"Oh goodness. I hope everyone is alright." Muriel cried.

"Yeah. We'd better start making our way to the Burrow since we missed our Portk-" Tonks started to say.

"You'll do no such thing!" Muriel snapped. "Going off looking like that, you'll be a target!"

"We were already a target." Ron exclaimed

"But even more so. You're cut and injured and freezing. And neither of you will be leaving until you are both fine."

Before Ron or Tonks could protest, Muriel walked off to get some stuff for the two on her couch.

"We don't have a choice do we?" Tonks asked Ron

"Nope." He replied. "But we could always just leave..."

"Maybe. But, I'll heal our cuts first and see where she takes it from there, but we must be quick." Tonks sighed. "Hopefully she brings food I'm starving."

Tonks took out her wand and healed they cuts. They still had a few bruises, their hair messy, and they were covered in dirt and dust. Muriel returned a few moments later with some hot chocolate and her wand out.

"Oh, what happened to your wounds?" She asked

"We can do magic as well Aunt. Remember." Ron said

"Oh yes well, this should warm you up. After you should both take a shower to clean yourself up." Muriel said. "Separate showers of course. I want no funny business."

"Aunt Muriel!" Ron exclaimed. "That's not ever ever ever going to happen!"

"I'm married anyway." Tonks said

"Are you?" Ron asked

"Yeah. Got married a few days ago." Tonks replied. "It was very quiet."

"Oh yeah. Mum, dad and Ginny were there."


"Are you going to drink your hot chocolate or not?" Muriel demanded

"We can't. We really must go. But thanks." Tonks said quickly, standing up


"The others will think we've been killed or taken." Tonks said

"Yeah." Ron agreed

Muriel knew she wasn't going win and she let them go. Tonks followed Ron outside and mounted the broom once it was located. Ron stood behind her, hands on her waist again.

"Thanks for helping Muriel." Tonks said.

She kicked off and they flew into the night sky.

"Should we be ready for an attack?" Ron asked, having to yell to be heard.

"We probably won't. But yeah, be ready." Tonks replied.

It wasn't long before The Burrow came into view. Tonks could see the shapes of four people as they started to descend. But she sadly couldn't see who they were.

"Please be ok Remus." She pleaded inside her head. "Get ready to land." She warned Ron.

"It's them!" They heard someone scream, it sounded like Hermione.

As they neared the ground, Tonks spotted Remus, he looked almost fine.

Tonks skidded across the ground, earth and pebbles scattered everywhere.

"Remus!" Cried Tonks as she ran into his arms. She caught sight of his set, white face. He didn't say anything as he hugged her.

"You're ok." Ron mumbled before Hermione crashed into him and wrapped her arms around him.

"I-I thought." Hermione cried

"I'm alright." Ron said. "I'm fine."

"Ron was great." Said Tonks warmly. relinquishing her hold on Remus. "Wonderful. Stunned one of the Death Eaters, straight into the head. And when you're aiming at a moving target from a flying broom-"

"You did?" Hermione asked, gazing up at Ron.

"Always the tone of surprise." He said grumpily, freeing himself. "Are we the last back?'

"No. We're still waiting for Bill and Fleur and Mad-Eye and Mundungus." Ginny said. "I'm going to mum and dad you are ok Ron"

Ginny quickly ran inside just as Remus turned to look at Tonks.

"So what kept you? What happened?" He asked. Tonks was taken back by the harsh twang in his tone.

"Bellatrix," sighed Tonks. "She wants me quite as much as she wants Harry, Remus, she tried very hard to kill me. I just wish I'd got her, I owe Bellatrix. But we definitely injured Roldolphus.....then we got to Ron's aunt Muriel's and we'd missed our Portkey and she was fussing over us-"

Lupin nodded, trying to cover the muscle twitch in his jaw, but she saw it.

"So what happened to you guys?" Tonks asked as she turned to face Kingsley, Hermione and Harry.

Tonks listened with interest as they told the tale of their journey, but everyone seemed s little distant. The absence of Bill, Fleur, Mad-Eye and Mundungus was biting into each of their nerves, it had been too long for it to be good news.

"I'm going to have to get back to Downing Street. I should have been there and hour ago." Kingsley said. "Let me know when they are back."

Sweeping the sky for anyway signs, he walked off. Mr and Mrs Wealsey rushed out and thanked Tonks and Lupin for bringing their sons home, when they heard a cry. Looking up they saw a Thestral landing a few feet away, Fleur and Bill sliding off of it's back.

"Bill! Thank God, thank God-"

Mrs Weasley ran forwards, but the hug Bill bestowed upon her was perfunctory. Looking directly at his father, he said, "Mad-Eye's dead."

The words didn't seem real to Tonks. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't! But from the solemn expression from Bill and the tears on Fleur's face, she knew it was true. Before she could stop them, tears flowed freely down her face. Remus wrapped and arm around her and pulled her close, his face emotionless. Tonks sobbed into his shoulder, her own shoulders shaking heavily.

For the rest of the night, she didn't really listen to anything, didn't really know what she was doing. She walked robotically into The Burrow with everyone else and sat down. She'd been given a handkerchief and was now crying softer into that. Her attention was snapped back to reality when Remus started talking again.

"So Mundungus disappeared?" He said. Everyone seemed to instantly look at him, afraid of what might be said next, but wanting to hear it anyway.

"I know what you're thinking," said Bill. "And I wondered that too, on the way back here, because they seemed to be expecting us, didn't they? But Mundungus can't have betrayed us. They didn't know there would be seven Harrys, that confused them the moment we appeared, and in case you've forgotten, it was him who suggested the trick. Why would he have forgotten to tell them the essential point? I think Dung panicked, it's as simple as that, and You-Know-Who went straight for them: it was enough to make anyone panic."

"You-Know-Who acted exactly as Mad-Eye expected him to," sniffed Tonks, her voice weak, "Mad-Eye said he'd expect the real Harry to be with the toughest, most skilled Aurors. He chased Mad-Eye first, and when Dung gave them away, he switched to Kingsley....."

Tonks trailed off into silence again, not bothering to listen to Fleur, or Harry. Tonks soon noticed the odd expression on Remus's face as he studied Harry, it looked almost like pity.

"You think I'm a fool?" Harry demanded, though Tonks wasn't sure why.

"No, I think you're like James," Remus said, "who would have regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust his friends."

It took a few seconds for Tonks to realize what he was talking about; Peter betraying Lily and James. Remus sighed and place his glass on the table before addressing Bill.

"There's work to do. I can ask Kingsley whether-"

"No," said Bill at once, "I'll do it, I'll come."

"Where are you going?" Said Tonks and Fleur together

"Mad-Eye's body." Said Remus, "we need to recover it.

"Can't it-" Mrs Weasley began before Bill cut her off.

"Wait? Not unless you'd rather the Death Eaters took it?"

Nobody spoke after that.

"I'll be fine." Remus whispered before kissing Tonks lightly on the forehead. He nodded to Bill and the two men left. For the first time in a while, Tonks felt truly and hopelessly alone, even in the room full of people. Mad-Eye dead, Remus going to look for him, the war getting worse and from what she knew, most of the Ministry was under Voldemort's control.

Unknown to anyone, Tonks had completely zoned out. The sickness came back around but she knew that if she didn't move, it would pass. Eventually it did, but a wave of lightheadedness washed over her and she was glad when Remus returned. But his face was grim. Everyone looked at him expectedly, but he shook his head.

"We couldn't find it. We tried
But because he fell and we aren't too sure where - we just couldn't." Remus sighed

"You tried at least." Mrs Weasley said, trying to sound happy. "Where is Bill?"

"Toilet. Wanted to wash his hands...h-he got dirt on them." Remus replied quickly. He smiled sadly before glancing at Tonks. He saw her pale, blank face and knew it would be best if she wasn't here.

"I think I'm going to go. Been a rough night." Remus said. "I shall see you soon."

Remus took Tonks's hand, seeming to switch off her daydream. She stood up stiffly and almost fell back over if it wasn't for his hand on her waist.

"Yes. Thank you Remus, Tonks, for helping bring our sons and Harry home." Mr Weasley said gratefully as they walked to the front door, Tonks still holding onto Remus.

"It was no problem at all." Remus replied. "Bye for now."

"Bye." Mr Weasley said, shaking his free hand.

"Bye! Stay safe!" Mrs Weasley called from the living room.

Remus nodded before guiding Tonks to the spot just beyond the Barrier. Tonks help on tight as they turned on the spot, the ground dissolving under their feet. They landed in the middle of their house with a CRACK. Thankfully, nobody was awake yet so it was ok. The two walked into the house quickly, feeling to exposed.

Tonks's vision was slowing down and going blurry, her hearing echoing loudly inside her head, her thoughts jumbled and broken. Tonks knew she was about to pass out.

"Remus," she said weakly, "will you catch me?"

"What?" Remus asked. He turned round just in time to see Tonks collapse. He caught just before she hit the floor. Studying her closely she saw was sickly pale, bags under her eyes and she was cold.

"This definitely isn't just a sickness bug." He muttered as her carried her up to their bed. He lay her on the covers, her too layers removed until she was in shorts and a vest top. Remus joined her, stroking her cheek, bringing some comfort to his fear and worry. He sighed deeply, and before he knew it, he was asleep, snoring softly like he usually did when he was stressed.

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