Chapter 10:The big new

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Abby's POV

The night has passed quickly and, in the morning, dad went to take Sarah home. There were no complications so she just had to stay in bad with her broken leg. Of course, she could not walk a lot and the hardest thing was to went upstairs or downstairs. Mom made me her maid. So when miss Sarah Pritchard wanted water, I had to give her. When she wanted anything, I had to leave my work for her... It sucks... 

The diner came and wad the time for the "big new" that mom announced yesterday. Tre, Billie, Jason, Jason and Jeff came too. It has to be a very important new. My Chemical Romance were very exited too. Whole dinner we steered at mom and dad while there were chilling and eating. When they finished mom said: 

"I... well, me and Mike have to tell you something." 

"Go on...." Jason F said. 

"Well, I am pregnant!" 

"W-what?!" I asked. 

"You will have a little brother or a little sister!" dad said. 


"Wait, Jerry IS a boy!" 

"At unicorns, the male gets pregnant. YOU GUYS HAVE TO STUDY MORE ABOUT UNICORNS!" Tré yelled. 

"Oh... Cool...." Jakob said. 

"Now kids, we're going for some, y'know, practice..." Billie started. 

"But is 8:33 pm, BeeJ! What about tomonrow?" 

"Look, I really want to play tonight and stuff..." 

"Well then, Abb! Call your friends and so do you, Jake, Joey, Frankito and Ramona! We're having a concert tonight!" 

"Cool!"we said.


TO: Ema; Cassie; Zee; Mark; 

Free Green Day concert at mine! Hurry up, they are starting in 20 minutes! BTW, I'll have a little bro or sis!!

FROM: Zee 


FROM: Ema 

Bloody hell! I'll be there!

FORM: Cassie 

Okay, ¡UNO! or Dookie shirt?!?!

TO: Cassie 

They're going to play old stuff! So the Dookie one!

FROM: Mark 

Sweet mode to end the summer vacation! I'll be there!


"WHO?!" Dad yelled back. 

"ALL OF THEM!!!!" 


FROM: Mark 

Just realized... WHAT. THE. HELL? A NEW PRITCHARD? Hope she/he will be gifted as his/her dad and sister are *o* lol..

TO: Mark 

Hehe, hope he/she will ;)

They all comed. The 'concert' finished at 10 pm and they all left. I preperd myslef for tomonrow and left.

Mike's POV.

I woke up at 6:30 for makeing brekast. I checked out the mail and saw a letter. FUCK! NO!!

AN: HEYYYY!!! How's it going?! So, this is the 'Big new'!!  

Sarah is well. for some reason, I wanted to give her hepotite (idk if is spelled right) or cancer but hell no! Well, one of them will be in the hospital soon... 

So, coment, vote and stuff... 

BTW, the letter isn't a good thing!!

Love ya! See you in a few days!!


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