Chapter 2-Meeting the Wanted!

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*Knock Knock*

'Wakey Wakey, Ivy time to get up,' I heard Mum chirp through the door. I just groaned, I really wasn't a morning person, it doesn't help that I have the hangover from hell. It feels like someones drilling inside my head. I begrudgingly open my eyes and looked at the time, it was dead on 8:30am. It only feels like I just closed my eyes to go to sleep. I was having an amazing dream about Ryan Reynolds. I was on holiday with Holly in the caribbean, just sunbathing in the glorious sunshine when a topless Ryan Reynolds came up to me asking me out for a could I refuse. Later on in my dream. I met him in a bar on the beach. He was sat waiting for me to arrive. Before I knew it, we were back in his hotel room where he was making me feel so good. That's when my dream ended. It was such a good dream. I pulled my duvet back and I climbed out of bed. I really couldn't be bothered with this. I walked to my window and opened up my curtains, the sky was clear so it was going to be a nice day. After I had done that, I made my way into my en-suite bathroom and I hopped into the shower so I could freshen myself up. The water hit my body, making me feel good. I washed my hair, made sure that my legs didn't need shaving..which they didn't. 

I got out of the shower, grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my small waist. Next, I had to decide what to wear, I went to my walk in wardrobe and I began to search for an outfit. It was too warm for jeans so I skipped passed them and found my Anna denim roll back sleeve shirt along with some black leggings and some hi-tops, just to finish my outfit off. Once I dried my hair I put it in a messy ponytail, putting some make up on, just like some mascara, eyeliner, foundation and some lipstick. I never went out without my lipstick on. When I had finished getting ready, I picked my phone up and my rucksack bag and made my way downstairs. Mum was in the kitchen, clearly still annoyed at me coming in drunk at 5 o'clock in the morning. 
'Your teas there and make sure you have some breakfast,' she said as she turned around to look at me.

'I don't think I can manage any food right now,' I replied as I still felt rough from the night before. 
'Serves you right really,' Mum answered. I just rolled my eyes and picked up my cup of tea as that was the only thing I could manage to keep down. It wasn't long before Mum was rushing me out the house and into the car. I got my I-pod out of my bag and put my skull candy headphones on. Once I had them on I pressed play and the sound of the foals 'My Number' filled my ears. It was starting to make me feel a bit better. Mum kept giving me evils which made me turn my music up even louder. Soon, Mum pulled up outside her office and the studio. I got out of the passengers side and closed the door once I was out. I followed Mum through the doors and down the small corridor to where I was being placed for the day. I didn't even know what I was going to do today. I hope it's not much as I'm really not in the mood for this. I sat down on the chair behind the desk and placed my legs up on the desk.
'Get your feet off there,' Mum commanded as she walked through the door. 'This isn't your home, this is your work place, there's no time for slouching about,' she continued to waffle on. I just rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking at me.
'When are they getting here?' I asked her.
'They should be here any minute now...but their time keeping isn't the best...that's one of their downfalls,' she answered. 
'What am I going to be doing today? cos' if i'm just going to be making their cups of tea all day, I won't do it,' I grumped.

'You'll be doing what I tell you to do young lady,' Mum raised her eyebrows at me, I reached into my bag and got out my hoodie as the air conditioning was on which was making me feel cold. 
'This is going to be fun,' I replied sarcastically.
'Don't take that tone with me,' she said in a forceful tone. I just huffed as I sat back in the chair. Mum left the room, giving me some peace and quiet at last. I just wanted to go back to bed as this hangover was getting worse. I then heard a load of voices filling the room outside mine. They must of arrived, I'd now have to put a fake smile on my face. I then heard,
'Ivy get out here,' it was Mum. I stood up from the chair and made my way to the door and I opened it.
'Yes Mother,' I replied as I stood in the doorway. I could feel 5 sets of eyes on me.
'Come and introduce yourself,' Mum said. I moved closer to Mum.

'I'm Ivy,' I introduced myself.
'Well, it's great to finally meet you...your Mum talks about you all the time,' The tall guy with curly hair replied. His name was Jay McGuiness, he was from Nottingham and was about 21.
'I know you said you had a daughter, but I didn't realise she'd be this good looking,' the bald one winked. This made me smile.
'Hands off her Max,' my Mum warned him. As you heard, he's called Max George, he was about average height and had a strong Northern accent, I think it's a Manchester accent. 
'Oooh, being told off already,' the one stood next to Max laughed. He too had a Northern accent but he was from Bolton, greater Manchester. He was similar height to Max. He was called Tom Parker. He was quite good looking.
'Shut up Parker,' Max grumped.

'Ignore them, I'm Siva,' the tall Irish guy smiled. Siva Kaneswaran was his name. I just gave a small smile. The last guy to introduce himself just looked at me, he was different to the others. I don't usually go for guys in boy bands...but he was hot.  
'And I'm Nathan,' he said without taking his eyes off of me. He must of been about my age, he looked to be the youngest of the group. Younger but most definitely sexier. I have to get myself a bit of that. He had a farmer accent..which I loved. Gorgeous green eyes, and a button nose. He wasn't tall but he was taller than me..but not by much. 
'Right, lets get to work,' Mum called snapping me out of my day-dream.

Maybe my first day won't be so bad...hopefully.


Ivy's outfit-->>

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