7. Carrots

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*Katrina's POV*

I wake up to the sound of shouting coming from downstairs. Lovely.

I groan and throw the covers off me. Tia is still sleeping on the floor like a baby surrounded by blankets and pillows. I smile at her position and how childish she looks.

 I am then reminded about the shouting downstairs. As I get closer to the place the shouting was coming from, the kitchen, I begin to recognise who the culprits are. It's Louis and Niall.

 I scoff and go off my head when I find out what they are fighting about.

A carrot.

I know that carrots are Louis' world but no-one, I repeat NO-ONE, disturbs me when I'm sleeping, especially at quarter to nine in the morning. 

I narrow my eyes and shoot daggers in Lou's direction. He sees me and his eyes go as wide as plates. Niall stops what he is doing, confused by Louis' facial expression. He turns around and sees me and within secs his face matched Lou's. 

"May I ask what is going on at this ungodly time in the morning?" I ask them. "It's just after quarter to nine" Niall protests. 

"Zip it! You are not Jimmy." Louis starts laughing but soon stops when he sees me glare at him. "Let me ask you again... What is all the racket about?" 

"He took my carrot and hid it." Louis whines like a 5 year old. I shake my head at his childishness then turn to Niall. 

"Go and get his carrot, please!" He does just that without a sound. A few minutes later he comes back with it in his hands and hands it back to Louis. 

"Thank you" I say with a sigh, relieved. 

I then drag myself upstairs to wake everyone up. It takes a while, I end up pouring a glass of water over Zayn. He's a heavy sleeper, so I learn. Eventually everyone is wide awake and downstairs, in the living room. I look around at everyone. "So, what's the plan for today?" I ask. I get multiple replies including:



Scuba Diving



The Beach

And Paintballing

I ponder over those answers for a moment. "I vote the beach" I say and I hear a 'Yes!" come from the couch. I shook my head for the second time this morning and head upstairs to get changed. Everyone comes up and does the same but in their allocated rooms. 

They must come here a lot as they each have a box full of their clothes in a cupboard. I let Tia choose one of the bikinis I bought the other day while I was shopping with the girls. 

She then goes to the bathroom to get changed into it. I just choose one from my wardrobe. It is white with red polka dots on it. Over that, I put on denim shorts and a tank top, finishing it off with a cardigan.

I put my hair up into a pony tail after brushing it then looked at myself in my mirror. I gave myself an approving nod. I then hear someone knocking on the door, I invite them in. It is Tia. Together, we pack a bag full of stuff like suncream, hats and towels. 

After about 10 minutes we meet up with everyone else in the living room. Thankfully, they are all ready with their bags packed and clothes over their swimwear. Lou grabs his car keys and walks out the door. Everyone gets in the car, with some people on others' knees. I am on Niall's, to my delight. Louis starts the car but not before he screams "TO THE BEACH!"

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