31. Nothing

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*Katrina's POV*

"...in a coma."

It only took those three words for me to break down. I stand there, my face in my hands, tears racing down my face. I can feel everyone's gaze on me. I look up, wiping my face. I receive an understanding look from Eleanor and sympathetic looks from the remaining boys of One Direction and the girls of Little Mix. I walk over to Eleanor and wrap her in a hug. 

I know she needs it right now. She breaks down in my arms. I comfort her, whispering comforting things to her, rubbing her back. "Hey, It'll be alright in the end." I tell her, hoping that I'm right. "How do you know?" She asks me, half in tears. "I just do." I tell her firmly. "I just do.." I repeat, but slower.

I really hope I'm right.

~3 weeks later~

It's been three weeks. No sign of anything, neither good or bad. I'm sitting on the chair next to Louis' bed. It's only me. I had a meeting with the headmaster of my new school from next week. It went well. He introduced me to himself, showed me around the school, just stuff like that. 

It only took about an hour, which was good. I had told Eleanor that I would be gone for about two hours so I decided to drop in here and see Louis. Just looking at him brings tears to my eyes. Why did it have to be him? I'm being a little selfish here, I realise that, but why not anyone else? 

Why not me? I tear up and pull my phone and earphones out of my pocket. I plug the earphones into the jack on the top of my phone. I scroll through my music library and stop at my favourite One Direction song.

"... Would he say he's in L-O-V-E? Well if it was me, I would, I would.

Would he hold you when you're feeling low?

Baby you should know, I would.

Back in my head we were kissing

I thought things were going alright

With a sign on my back saying 'kick me'

Reality ruined my life."

I hum quietly along with it. Next, my favourite bit, Louis' verse.

"It feels like I'm constantly playing

A game that I'm destined to lose

'Cause I can't compete with your boyfriend

He's got 27 tattoos"

I smile at the sound of his voice. He sounds happy. I bet he was while recording the song. It's so upbeat and you can't really help but smile at least a little when you hear it.

I then decide that it's time to go back home. With one last kiss to his forehead and a 'Good Bye' I leave and catch the bus home. After about twenty minutes I get back home. I throw my keys on the table by the door and put my coat on the rack, also by the door. 

Eleanor is standing in the kitchen fixing up some lunch. "Hey Eleanor." I say, trying to sound cheery, but obviously fail in doing so.

 "Hi, how did your meeting go?." She asks, trying to spark up a conversation. 

"It went fine." I tell her. "I'm supposed to start next week." I inform her. She mutters an 'okay' and goes back to lunch. She places two plates of pasta down on the table. 

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