5. Best Friend

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A.N/ Read to find out who was the winner.

The contestants were:






*Katrina's POV*

I wake up to find all of the girls passed out on the floor. I decide not to wake  them and go out and grab a coffee for all of them instead. I get dressed in blue flare jeans, a flowery top and black pumps. I leave my hair down.

 I grab my bag, write a note explaining where I am going and head out the door.

After about a 15minute walk, I get there. As soon as I open the door the smell of coffee blows over me and I can't help but smile. I order just a normal coffee for the girls and boys as I don't know what they like. I walk to the end of the counter to wait. There is a girl there. 

She looks around 15-16 and she has long, chocolate coloured brown hair that falls to the middle of her back and she is also very pale. She must have seen me looking because she approaches me and smiles. "Hi" She says happily. 

"Hiya" I greet her back. 

"I'm Tia, you are..?" 

"Katrina, but call me Kat." 

She grins and says, "I love that name!"

Over the 10-20 mins we spend together we bond well. I know that she has had a good past but her parents divorced when she was 3 years old. She lives with her mom and sees dad and grandparents every Friday. She was always closer to her dad and her dad's side of the family as her mom's side of the family was very hate filled. 

Her Dad moved to Calgary when she was in Grade 1. They talked everyday and went to see him every summer, he also came home every 2-4 months. She did good in school, got straight A's, had good friends, and has always been considered a good girl.

After I have finished telling her about my life and I pick up the coffees, I invite her back to my house. We walk back and talk as we did so. When we get back I open the door to find everyone in the living room. 

Eleanor and Louis jump off the sofa after I have put the coffees down and pull me into a big hug. "Where were you?!" Lou asks desperately. 

I look at Eleanor, "Did you not get the note I left you" She looks confused then rushes upstairs. After a few minutes she comes down looking sheepish, with the note in her hand. "Oops. Didn't see it I guess" 

I laugh at her and shake my head. It is only then that Lou notices Tia. "Who's this, Kat?" I look up, grin and say "My new friend, Tia." 

"When did you meet her?" 

"About an hour ago, but I already know everything about her." He nods his head knowingly. We were then all pulled into a giant group including the boys, girls and Tia. It lasts for a few minutes. After they pull away and I give them the coffee, I invite Tia up to my room.


Well done to Awkturtle_xo for coming 1st in my contest. 2nd and 3rd are as follows:

2nd: @directioner_skater14

and  3rd: @arielknight

Thank you to the three of you. It was hard to choose. It took me 20mins they were all so good so it was close.

I will be dedicating this chapter to @awkturtle_xo after the other contestants have confirmed they have read this. Please leave a comment below you guys! :)

Well done to you all!

Lurve ya like cherry pie


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