14. Lizzie

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A.N/ Dedicated to @Arianastyles69 for being first comment on last chapter :)

*Katrina's POV*

She just stands there, not moving one bit. Her brown eyes piercing my own. We stand like this for a few minutes until she breaks the silence and speaks. 

"I have heard a lot about you Katrina Tomlinson. I love your fashion sense. It is just adorable."

"Thanks?" I say back. "You're welcome. Could I talk to you for a minute in private?" She asks but it is mostly angled to Niall. He nods his head lightly and I walk with her a few feet down the path, far away enough for Niall to not be able to hear what is being said. 

She grabs my arm when we stop and she pulls me closer to her. She puts her face near mine and whispers "I don't like how close you are to Niall. I don't like it at all. Stay away from him or else you won't know what's coming to you, got it?" I nod while my eyes widen. I have heard those words before, I just can't remember where.

We go back over to where Niall is and stop in front of him, Lizzie smiles at him then looks at me. "He hasn't told you has he?" She is grinning now, one of her eyebrows is raised. 

"No. Is there something I should know?" I ask curiously. 

She laughs and says, "Well dear Katrina, When we were little, me and Niall here were best friends. Inseparable, some people would say. Our parents could never get us apart, could they Niall?" He shook his head in response. 

I get this weird feeling in my stomach, like someone has poked me really hard with a pencil, a very sharp one. I can't put my finger on it.

Wait a minute. It couldn't be, could it? No way. We weren't dating or anything. That's what it is. I am jealous.  No No No No No No No, I couldn't be. She is only talking about how they very close, very close, when they were little, which was a long time ago. 

Not to be mean or anything but I hope they don't get close again. If they do I'll have to claw her eyes out with my fingers, or a rolling pin. Weird I know, but that's how I roll, get it? Rolling pin, that's how I roll? Yeah, someone out there will. I know it.

It is very strange though. Why am I acting like this?  Do I really like him or am I just mad that he can have him and I can't? Oh well. I decide to shrug the though off for now. 

Over the time that I was thinking, Niall and Lizzie had gotten into a cosy conversation of when they went to play in the park when they were 11 and 13 and Niall pushed her on the swings. 

Sweet, I thought. So sweet I wanna punch her. Wait, that's too far. Why am I saying that? I am not a violent person, most of the time.

I need to talk to Tia as quickly as possible, in person. I text her asking if she go over to the house and meet me there. She takes a few minutes to reply but says yes. I mentally cheer. They were to cosy in their conversation that I didn't want to disturb them, so I left them to it. They wouldn't notice I was gone, would they? I call a taxi and it comes within 5 minutes, great.

I get home and waited for Tia to arrive.

 I am so confused..


A.N/ Hey marshmallows.

There you go. What do you think of Lizzie now? What do you think Kat's going to do about it? Comment your thoughts below.

Love you


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