23. The Key

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*Tia's POV*

I try to open the door but it won't budge. Of course it's locked, I'm so stupid. I'm guessing 'she' has got the key. I knew there was something going on. She seemed quite jumpy. It was just then that I realize that I was supposed to be at the toilet. 

It would never take that long, unless..uh, never mind. I call out to Kat on the other side of the door. I then tell her that I need to go back up but I will try to get the key and come back, because they would get suspicious if I stayed up here. She agreed, of course. 

I tell her that I'll be as fast as I can. I go back, retracing my steps and arrive at the living room entrance a few minutes later, only getting lost once. This house doesn't look it, but it's huge.

They're still talking. What is there possibly left to say between them? I sit down, it attracts their attention. I look at them apologetically, "I got lost." They just go back to talking, not minding me at all. Well then. I use the time to try and find the key to the room that Katrina is in.

 I don't have to look far though. It's dangling from her neck, on a piece of ribbon. How am I going to get her to take it off though? Hmmm. OOh, I got it! 

I wait until they go quiet a little and then interrupt them. "So, do you like this necklace?" I say pointing at the mockingjay necklace around my own neck. I grin when she nods, impressed. "Would you like it?" I ask her, hoping she'd say yes. She nods after a few seconds of thinking.

I remove it from my neck and and hand it over to her. She takes her own one off and places it on top of the drawers behind her. She tries to put mine on, but fails. Niall asks her if she needs help. She nods but I see this as a huge opportunity so I jump up. "I got it." I go over and clasp it around her neck with no difficulty, fighting the urge to strangle her with the thin chain. 

Once I'm done I take a small step back and slyly slip the necklace into my my back pocket. I go back to my seat and sit down. I sit there for a while longer then jump up again, pretending that I'm going to be sick. "May I be excused?" I ask them, rubbing my stomach to make it more believable. 

Her eyes widen and she nods. I murmer a 'thanks' and run out the door an back downstairs to the room at the end of the corridor. "Kat?" I say. "Yeah?" She asks. I smile and say, "I've got something for you."

"What is it?" I giggle. "It may be a certain key to open a certain room." There is a few second pause, then she starts shouting "YEEESSSS!" I laugh. I then pull the key out of my pocket and put it in the keyhole. I twist the key to the right until it clicks then I open it, to be met by a small figure. 

Brown hair, matching eyes and looking happy as ever to see me. She immediately springs forward and tackles me into a tight hug. After we break apart I beckon her to follow me upstairs. I go into the living room, after silently telling her to stay on the exact spot she was on. I clutch my stomach while walking in. 

"I'm going to go out and get some fresh air." I don't recieve an answer, they are too engaged in their conversation to listen to a word I'm saying. I just turn on my heel and walk out of the room. I motion to Kat to slowly follow me to the door. I open it softly and step outside. 

Within seconds of being out there Kat was covering her eyes. I'm not surprised actually, the room was nearly pitch dark. I drop Niall a text to say that I'm going home and then we do just that. After we are in and settled I cook some food and pour a drink for Katrina. 

I lay it on the table, ready to call on her but I look down and she's already there, eating it. She thanks me. She looks absolutely starving. It's totally unfair. What, you ask? Everything.

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